How is Sam Roberts is a married man?

3  2015-11-20 by Dennyislife


Here's how much of a faggot Sammykins is: if you look closely at his doll collection, you'll see that the championship belts are on their current owners, which means Sam meticulously reorganizes his collection every time there's a title change. God bless his Negroid heart.

Holy shit, how did you even notice that?

I'm also a faggot.

I can respect that. I won't, but I could.

You knowing/noticing that either makes you the Sherlock Holmes of faggotry, or just a genuinely perceptive guy. I wont shit on your hobbies or call you gay. I wish I had hobbies/friends/sex

I bet he would eat your ass for a Haystacks Calhoun toy.

who wouldn't...

That head is asking to be caved in with a fire extinguisher.

Irreversible style

Seeing him next to the cartoon version is so depressing

I hate that fucking cartoon

did some fans made it for him? seems like its the only fan art of his around

His wife will have left him by the end of 2016

He's starting what I like to call a good ol' Billy Crystal recede

He's not....Vos confirmed it on his show the other week.

Really? Pretty sure this sub would be all over that. I'm sure 100's listen to his show on here....

If I remember correctly, it was the episode when Sam came in for bout 20mins at the beginning of their sirus show...and Vos said something along the lines of "now that your single again" to which sam replied "yeah"

This is accurate. Sam is no longer married.

I just can't stand the sound of his fucking voice.

I don't know what his wife saw in him - I think Ant was hinting heavily that he'd better appreciate how far out of his league she was right before the wedding. And of course, mamma's boy won't, and if he hasn't driven her away yet, he will.

He's smarmy and sarcastic and smart. I get the appeal. And he always struck me as completely aware of how out of his league Jess was. You just can't act like you know, or else you lose that attractive confidence.

I hate his eyebrows.

I hate his clown wig covering that bald cap



Although his diet is embarrassing he's been one of the most overachieving O&A staff members and biggest contributors, even though at the moment his role is confused, hosting some rando night show.

You know his hair is thinning horribly when its that curly and you can still tell its thinning. Having hair that curly makes it much easier to hide...

There is actually a toy ladder next to his head.

His hairline is so weird

Check out that weird looking philtrum...

Because working women get lonely and someone that can give attention hold a conversation will suffice.

Do you think he's handsome?

I'd say he's yummy looking.

Tss. Brie mode? ..Whas' he doin', eating cheeeeeze or sumpthin!'....Tss,...... did ya hea' what I said Trav Dog?!

what's he doing these days? I never hear him anywhere anymore.

I'll go on record and say I always liked Sam.

Let's see a picture of you, OP.

You sound like Jimmy. What's your real name /u/Faded99?

i was actually going off on his toys....

Thy armour gleams brightly in the midafternoon sun.

You stand as a stalwart Champion to Samuels virginal honor.

Translation: Shut the fuck up Sam.

who wouldn't...