terrible eye contact jimmy

11  2015-11-20 by keatnzs

whenever guests are in, jimmy can't seem to maintain normal eye contact. He spends 90% of the time looking at Opie, even when directing a question to the guest. i don't know how you're supposed to make it in showbiz if you have the eye contact of an autistic.


And that's when he's not looking at his phone

Reasons why there shouldn't be cameras in radio

He was hard to watch on his LoS appearance w/ Ant because of the contrast between his constant grimacing & raised eyebrow fake enthusiasm wide eyed twitch. He just looks angry & completely unnatural while maintaining one of the most instantly unlikable faces anyone's ever seen.

Not only that but he kept trying to be his moral retard / pontificating douche self during the Luis' embarrassing emails segment when everyone else was just slinging jokes. He kept trying to give literal advice instead of being funny.

I don't know where he got it into his head that he belongs in front of cameras hosting a talk show or giving advice, but he's delusional as to what his strengths are.

he's delusional as to what his strengths are

That seems to be a common thing among the b-b-b-boys

i've noticed other tics, too. He has these jerky hand movements and widens his eyes when he- which is very rarely- focuses his attention on a guest. I noticed this quite a bit with nikki benz and alexis texas on the ACS. he might as well have been talking to ant the whole time, but when he looked in their direction, out came the hand movements and bug eyes. it seems as if he is looking through them rather than at them. poor boy.

I noticed Ron Bennington doesn't always look at who he's talking to in studio. It's probably just a habit from doing radio and being so tuned in on the sound and forgetting completely about looking at stuff. Think Daredevil.

I get that, from Ron. Who asked a question, and is already doing something on the board, during the answer.

Slightly offtopic but did anyone notice how he was shitting on Holly Holm's appearance? The sub pointed out that she's pretty much Amy Schumer in better shape, who he fawns over constantly.

Well this shall surely change his mind about Holm.

Jimmy probably just has a thing for fat, ugly chicks who look like men.

It's true, ol' wormy has major issues with the very basics of social interaction. I first noticed it in the Ventura walks out video and I immediately knew something was off. Little worm was literally looking Ant straight in the face as he was having an argument with Jesse. He's just an overall unpleasant person. No wonder he can't keep a woman despite his money.

he doesn't want them to notice his blinking tick

That's what 'being below someone' is

It's obvious Jimmy is uncomfortable doing the new show. Think about all the times he had something funny to say, but didn't in fear of Greggshells. He has no freedom to be funny at all.

You're an idiot. Jimmy has always been a blinking fool so of course he's going to have trouble looking people in the eye. Also, I don't think Jimmy lives that much in fear of Opie. Last week he talked about Opies tits. Just shut up.

It's our favorite username guy!

You don't like his gimmick of a username?

Why, how kind of you to ask! No, I don't like it. But then again, I'm prejudiced against douchebags.


If he really wanted to make it in hollywood he should be auditioning for crazy person parts. He would make a great psychotic stalker. Once he got those he could dazzle people on set with his fawkin yuma.

Not many funny comics are well-adjusted and confident.

Has he ever explained the blinking? Is it something he's always done? Does he blink like that when doing his characters?