What is Gregg endgame?

6  2015-11-18 by smokinswindler

Do you think tits is capable of pulling a long Kaufman-Esque hoax? Is he aware how desperate and pathetic his entire social media and broadcasting presence is, but just doesn't care? Who is he trying to appeal to and what is the fucking endgame here?


Die old and rich.

And unfulfilled as a man.

rich and with a younger wife. I wanna be unfulfilled


It's a remarkable thing to die old and rich and have contributed nothing to society and have no legacy worth following. You die with the boons of the successful men you live beside, but no work or grand design to survive you. It's Tony Montana face down in the lobby fountain. Great men give birth to great achievements Opie, and your womb is polluted.

First, he's not aware. He thinks its going well and haters gonna hate. My theory is that the endgame is to have another crack at terrestrial radio. Thats the reason for the complete shift in style of show. This show is family friendly. This show is terrestrial radio. The only move he has left to make is to push Jimmy out. Jimmy doesnt fit in there. At the end of this contract he will make his move to get back on regular radio, and Jimmy will join Anthony.

Wishful thinking

These terrestrial radio guys just fail their way from state to state. They change markets every few months but it seems to take a lot for any of them to actually disappear. It's actually a pretty clever, if depressing, plan B: rework yourself into the thing you always mocked to stalk the entertainment back alleys until retirement.

in a way, but i could also kind of see him moving back into terrestrial. Jimmy would refuse, but I don't think the opester would have a choice.

More than likely sirius would let the show die, get rid of opie, opie would try retirement, but eventually feel the need to get back into radio.


the majority of shows still have the uncle paul / fat bashing / fawning over porn

Gregshells hates when Jimmy does all of those things. He either clams up or turns into a hole. It's painfully obvious Yimmy don't belong.


if they throw norton out they dont even have those fake edgy shit


He's desperately trying to remain relevant in a dying form of media.

He thinks a viral video will be his ticket into internet stardom without realizing shit just doesn't work that way anymore and never really did.

He probably hates the fact the Ant gets decent views on his youtube channel by just talking about his opinions, whereas Opie re-releases other peoples terrible "wild" videos with his fucking hashtag all over it, and no one cares.

Opie is going to start livestreaming Minecraft.

He's still chasing the pre-church firing fame, if you could even call it that.

He really is, and I think a lot of this bullshit over the years stems from that.

The only possibility they ever had of regaining that level of fame was during the XM/terrestrial crossover days. But that failed hard, and they can place the blame on everyone else, and in many instances they were correct, but the reality is that their glory days were over and they were now just a relic of the boygone shock jock era.

Take over for a retiring Brother Wease in local Rochester radio.

Endgame? That requires effort, forethought, and intelligence. Opie just wants to make the most management friendly show while still trying to hold onto his delusional fame. Its all about collecting a check from as long as he can with as little work as possible. He will totally disappear once he's off SXM. The internet stuff is his real douche personality and begging for attention. Just look at his Adele tweet to Pete, he needs constant validation. He is a pathetic human being that thinks he is awesome, typical hack.

i really really hope this is their last year n theyre gone in october

That's the bit

Taking the #opieradio brand mainstream and succeed in being the biggest ffffuckin' distributor of coffee mugs and mousepads in the tri-state area.

I think he genuinely believes he is next in line when Stern finally retires


Is it one of jimmy's characters?

You haven't figured this out yet? He's trying to appeal to the people who listen to O&J regularly; not old fans of the old O&A show, which has been off the air for well over a year now and will never return.

This post is soooo 2014. Groddy!