Get Ready to Put on Your Laughing Hat Folks - Margaret Cho's music video "I Wanna Kill my Rapist."

5  2015-11-18 by Gushers4Lunch



I was just gonna say, why is OP going to What a fag.

For faggotry.

Of course the actor they get to play the rapist is a movie-star looking male model with perfect beard stubble & a chiseled jaw. By making him so classicly handsome they almost hurt their point because it'll play into the "rape fantasy" thing at the end of the day. Hire Mike Bocchetti to play the rapist if you wanna be "powerful"

Laughing hat's in the wash

It's a pity that the Japs didn't kill off her ancestry during the Nanking Massacre. Her face looks like the flat-bottom of a pumpkin.

She looks like her armpits smell like bad breath and her breath smells like BO. Kim Jong Ugh. I know she's not Korean. I just wish she was dead.


I'm waiting for the Garfunkle and Oates version.

Nice Mcdojo karate school girls they hired to bring out and swing around their useless prop weapons, That's how you become a strong person!

Join uncle Paul's ninja academy and earn a black belt in keepin a secret.

We'd all get naked and play judo judo.

Thanks for making me break my phone.

Shit in my ass mother fucker

Well, it makes me laugh because I can't believe it exists. It is absurd how serious it is. Its like 1/4 beatles 70s violin style, 1/4 hole and garbage, 1/4 dennis leary asshole song, 1/4 i dont know... shit. Don't know if I hate her douchey wink at the end more or the fact that its being praised as empowering. Dear COMEDIANS...STICK TO are bad at music...the only reason you can get music made is because you are rich....from COMEDY.

I was trying to think of something similar to say. It's unintentionally funny. It's hilarious to think that stupid thing is deep, powerful or empowering. It's funny cuz it's so poorly executed

More than anything I don't see how it is empowering. There's this idea circulating through society that rape is accepted, or normalized. From what I have seen it is uniquely demonized, often worse than murder. Aren't we all on the same page about victims of rape or child molestation? Is this really something that "shakes things up?"

This is some John Oliver shit, taking a farty stance against a widely accepted bad thing. "Terrorists are fucking assholes." "I fucking hate my rapist." Standing ovation.

That explains all the tattoos.

its always the ugliest, fattest women concerned about being raped.... dont flatter yourselves, heifers.

So empowering


Brave,brilliant,courageous,empowering, and above all else. Real.

Of course they shave their heads and bumble around a public park with decorative mall weaponry.

This flat faced chunk needs to be put out to pasture, fucking out of touch LA comedians need the NY crowd to put them in their place, I don't know what's more douchey That Jaimie kilstein male cat calling video or this




Victim of the modern age, poor, poor girl.

that's one doozy of an imaginary friend for this pie-faced lesbo

And I want to rape her killer, big deal.

We'd all get naked and play judo judo.