Anthony drunk calling Sam's old show.

0  2015-11-17 by apanmannen

Anthony calls in to Special Delivery show and cuckolds Sam. Could someone direct me where to listen to this? All I can find is some old links that are virus infected.

Special Deliver 6/18/11 is the specific date. Thank you friends!


Anthony fucks Sam's wife while he watches? That's an impressive stunt for radio.

It's actually a reasonable use of "cuckold" this time. Ant calls up and openly hits on Jess in front of Sam. It was hilarious.

Here's the show. Ant calls in the 78th minute.

If you haven't heard this you should listen to it. I love how it turns into Ant just flat out insulting Sam. "You're a bum! You're a bum!"

Thanks! This used to be one of my go-to listens.

"Why is Anthony destroying what's dear to me?"

"Sam. Sam."


"Jess and I are talking."

Thank you friend!

That call should be in one of those Ant's youtube compilations.

I remember this being hilarious. "Were you prefacing me, Sam? Were you just prefacing me, like one of those fucking worthless listeners?!"

"Look, Jess. Sam's a nice guy, I'm not even gonna say he's not a nice guy. Whenever he comes in, I laugh. But the truth is: he's not gonna make a good husband."

I loved how fucking brutal this was.

There was some real brutal stuff in that call. Loved it.

alright...I defended cuckold as kind of a vague word like faggot for a while but it has gotten out of hand. it needs to stop and youre an idiot for using it.

It makes perfect sense if you hear the clip.

no it doesnt. the word cuck has gotten so out of hand stupid that it just needs to go back to its literal definition for a while until it blows over, so every time someone is embarassed or manipulated you dont have to hear how they were "cucked"

I agree with you. I've been a vocal opponent of "cuckold" abuse in this sub. But in this clip, Ant calls in and openly propositions Sam's fiancee for sex, who plays along and agrees. The reason we need to protect "cuckold" is so that it can be used in situations like these and mean something.

Oh, wow, ok. I'm surprised to say I guess youre right then.


you consider that me "trying to censor you"? youre helplessly stupid

Could you please read between the lines. I'm trying out a bit of sarcasm here friend. And by the way. Everyone agrees with me, read the comments and you'll see that cuckold certainly is the appropriate term to use in reference to this clip.

my ears shut down at the mere mention of the phrase "the sam roberts show", so fine, I guess ill just take your word for it.

So you could just say he was calling

I detect a little mocking of Slotho in that. Sounds a lot like AntKnee is doing an impression of Opie belittling the help.

Sam tries to lead the conversation away from having kids. Talk about foreshadowing...


It makes perfect sense if you hear the clip.

Could you please read between the lines. I'm trying out a bit of sarcasm here friend. And by the way. Everyone agrees with me, read the comments and you'll see that cuckold certainly is the appropriate term to use in reference to this clip.