Opie Ruins Another Segment: Jim Hates Gran Torino

14  2015-11-17 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Saw this on youtube, figured it'd be a good listen. Nope, ruined by Opie:

J: I saw Gran Torino over the weekend.

O: LOVED Gran Torino.

J: I didn't like it at all.

O: Really?

J: Well, some lines were hila--

O:(interrupting, and immediately backpedaling) Well, the ending was kind of ridiculous.


O: (furiously backpedaling) I-well not even 'kind of'. But it was just like (in a dopey, sarcastic voice) oh, here it comes. . .

A: Yeah.

O: It was SO obvious.

J: [trying to tell a joke about the Asian gang and Bob Kelly]

O: [cutting him off] Well HOLD ON. What about the daughter who got raped?!?!

[later, 1:30] O: That movie could have been amazing. They just missed with that one.

[continues to deride the movie and cut Jimmy off, starts to take phone calls about cylindrical TVs (?!)]

. . .and I bail at like 2:45 when they're talking about holograms. According to the comments, Opie later says he 'didn't care for Gran Torino' later on.



Fuck Jimmy. Gran Torino was a fine movie. Yeah, the ending did kind of suck but I understand why Eastwood did it that way.

I enjoyed the movie as well, but it still would have been fun to hear Jimmy rip on it, as there were plenty of things to mock in it (the atrocious acting from everyone not named Eastwood, for example). Instead, Opie proudly proclaims his opinion and vacillates immediately to sound cool, then interrupts Jim and steps on his jokes before going to the phones, which has a 99% failure rate every time. And the call wasn't even on topic. What an ass.

Kind of off topic but still shitting on Opie, I was listening to audio the other day of them trashing Bobby for not mentioning them earlier on in his list of "thank yous" on his comedy album, and at one point Bobby is in a limo and Opie said "put the limo driver on the phone", to which everyone ignored. He thought he could get a bit out of talking to the limo driver. Also, after Jimmy destroyed Bobby's CD, someone starts sweeping it up, to which Tits tells someone to put a mic down by the ground so they could hear the sweeping. Even Ant was cringing at that. Fucking Opie and his stupid "bits", the idiot.

Edit: typo

That's Opie's go-to bit: put the other guy on the phone.

He did it with Lady Di (asking to speak with Marian or Bill)

He does it with Rich (asking to speak with Bonnie)

He did it with Bobby (asking to speak to the limo driver)

It lessened when he got to Satellite; Opie did it 100x more when they were at WNEW and putting calls from lunatics on the air.

It's radio gold, dude-bro.

You can take the hack out of Rochester, but you can't take the Rochester out of the hack.

sweep sweep...sweep sweep

hahah why would that ever be necessary?

audio of a rolling bowling ball

I disagree. I liked the movie and the ending and these guys can go fuck themselves.

I liked Taken but I like Jimmy shitting on it even more

Soy sauce hairdo.

Gran Torino is good.

Compared to how bad Opie is on O&J, even him being annoying in old clips doesn't get to me at all.
