0  2015-11-17 by CumiasTheBeesKnees

This place is gayer than Charlie Sheen's T-Cell count


Than... Not then. And what does "gayer [than] Charlie Sheen's T-cell count" even mean? Do me a favor... Delete this post, take a nap, and when you think you actually have a witty thing to say, headbutt your computer screen until you break it or black out, which ever comes first.

I think is suppose to be something like a non sequitur. Like slipping into a puddle of AIDS.

Tss, that sounds like a dirt nap or sumthin'!

I wonder if crazy Charlie Sheen shows up on the Today Show blaming the government for giving him HIV or an angry Charlie Sheen outraged that someone lied to him about his or her status and he was infected because he was trusting & barebacked or will a wiser, sympathetic Charlie Sheen be honest and open about his poor choices that led to this...

It's not impossible to get the hiv from heterosexual sex, but the chances are low. Hetero anal sex is a lot higher. I'm betting either Sheen was taking dicks too during his partying or he got it from a dirty needle.

doot doot

Kill yourself.

tsssss homerun Chippah