Really Tits? You've been reduced to reading tweets as you film a computer screen...whilst repeating an apparent new favourite mispronunciation of yours, "Winninnnnngggaaaaahhhhh"... You've become worse than Scorch. Hack Tits Radio. RIP the old days...

15  2015-11-16 by talkingapeinspace


Tits and Grandma Cumia should have realized 60 year-olds should not be on Twitter by now. I want to douse them both with gasoline and set them on fire.

Let's just hope there aren't any pranksters out there who would photoshop other things into his video again.

That's some good thinking mate

He stole this also was a bit Sam did a while ago. Also I like how he's acting like he's above this joke,, this is 100% something he would SAYAH

Oh fuck LOL now that you mention it, I do remember Sam starting this bit. How ironic that this is a video mocking peoples lack of originality.

This is how desperate he is to be funny. Hell do shit like this make his own and all those retards like mom comedy will be like LOL GOOD ONE OPIE UR SO FUNNY.

I think I just figured out his obsession with social media, he has all these followers that make him feel funny and cool. Hate him hate him hate him

If he scrolled past a @baldopieradio tweet while doing this I'd be turgid.

He's probably got baldopies ip blocked from any Internet he touches. He hired that company from south park safe space

It was funny when Sam did the bit...

I was completely unaware he'd done a hoo hoo and stole this from Sam. Never seen it!

He did it a few times... I know of at least 2 instances, one for the Baltimore riots reading Omar from the Wire tweets, and this one from BB King's Death:

I love it the guy known for the most annoying brother-man like phrases, is annoyed at this.

I really can't wait for this fucking jerk's funeral.

He's an unmitigated moron. He's trying to do something like that Conan bit where they did a smash-cut of dozens of local news anchors making the same pun, but he's just too stupid to realize that it falls flat in text and somehow falls even flatter in video-of-text.

got a nigga... ribs hurtin today!

Don't you haters get it? That's the bit!

So fucking TRY HARD. With one-half of the talent gone, and the other half effectively silenced, Tits' complete lack of talent and female-like validation seeking is so apparent. So obvious this dude has zero friends, just the company of his hole and Mr. Margera's kid's.


hehe...TITS LOl

scorch has always been pretty good though

That mask comment about HIV being a bad was a joke that went over Tits head.