Can we agree that the "Mr. P" album cover was garbage?

0  2015-11-16 by Ronvsfez

Honestly, Patrice deserved something better than this thing that looks like it was made with MS Paint


I'll agree to that as long you agree to slice your wrists tonight.

Wasn't his second one by David Cho? So it's a step up.

Was this a still from his 1999 music video?

Of course it sucks. Guess which talentless asshole designed it?


2012-02-09 21:04 UTC

Mr P by Patrice O'Neal CD. Very happy with the printed color and contrast. #MrP

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Patrice wanted this kind of cover you dummies. Von talked about it on the show. He wanted a cover of him in time square looking at his watch, but since he died unexpectedly they never got the photo so they had to find an old photo of Patrice looking down and photoshop it.

Whether he did or not, the execution here is painfully amateurish.

What did you expect? The thing had to be photoshopped together.

Almost every image you see in a professional advertisement is photoshopped. It can be done properly or completely incompetently like this, to say nothing of the horrible graphic design that makes it even worse.

Jesus you're a moron. Yes most professional images have been photoshopped but usually the enhance a photo they just took. They literally had to find a photo of Patrice looking down and that was the only one they could find. It's not like they could have a professional photographer take pictures and then photoshop it. The whole fucking thing had to be photoshopped. And in the digital age who's paying attention to covers anyway?

No you dope, that's not what photoshopped is used for in advertorial images. It's main function is compositing images, like in this case. But a professional makes it look seamless, and a rank amateur makes it look like this. If you can't see this obvious fact you're too retarded to understand even such a simple reality. And if you have material this poor to start with you make up another concept. One that can be executed professionally.

You really are taking the wrong side in this case.

Just shut up you ass wipe. I've seen plenty of movies, television shows, and even musicians put out wonderful looking trailers, cover art, and beautiful looking montages... But you know what the material fucking sucked. The plot wasn't interesting, the jokes failed, or the music was nauseating. I really don't give a shit about the cover. Why pay a professional thousands of dollars for something no one really cares about, particularly when the money of the album goes to benefit the family of Patrice?

Also, like I said but like with anything else you refuse to fucking listen and have to be right, but this was the only photo of Patrice they had where he was looking down. They did what they could with what they had while still respecting Patrices wishes. They couldn't take a new photo he's fucking dead. Had a professional photographer taken a photo of him it would look different I'm sure. When a professional works on something like this they're usually given a little bit more to work with especially in advertising which would make it more seamless . For what they had, and what it's for the album cover turned out fine. Jesus, truthie you're fucking stupid.

You sure do love talking about things you know nothing about! I guess if you stuck to subjects you were knowledgeable about you wouldn't say much.

A professional design wouldn't be thousands of dollars, especially given the charitable nature of this release. But what it would do is show respect to the product. This incompetent design makes a mockery of the material and his memory.

It's almost like you're purposely taking the wrong side here.

Truthie the fucking album has been out for years and you're the only person to complain about the cover, and yes something like this could cost more than its worth particularly when the proceeds are meant to benefit a dead man's family that came on Opie and Anthony and said they had a hard time finding a photo of Patrice looking down at his watch. It doesn't do a disservice to his product. It's a fucking album cover that literally almost no one pays attention to particularly when most of us downloaded the God damn thing.

The art isn't amazing but it does its job. It's an independent release of a comedy album. Have you seen most comedy album covers? Not impressive. They worked with what they had while still respecting Patrices wish. This is what he wanted you moron. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. Seriously, you ass. The album is perfectly fine. It doesn't have to look like a multi million dollar advertisement.

If you can do something better let's see it. I listen to comedy for the comedy not for what the fucking album cover looks like. Now kill yourself.

you're the only person to complain about the cover

You should check out the title of the thread we're commenting in, you dullard. You're in for quite a surprise!

But the reality is that this cover is so rankly amateurish that it's even turned off true fans. It's unfortunate that someone as stupid as you clearly are approved such a disastrous and incompetent design. This is why artwork should never be left to people like you with no eye for design or vision for how it will reflect on the performer.

You're either painfully stupid or purposely taking the wrong side for some reason.

Truthie just because one person agreed with you doesn't mean the art was so atrocious it warrants this. It has nothing to do with the actual act which is all that matters. Shut up about how it's amateurish. No one but you and one other dunderhead gives a fuck. It was independently released so yeah it in a sense you're right it was done by amateurs you stupid fuck. That's the definition of the word.

No one but you and one other dunderhead gives a fuck.

You should check out the thread we're commenting in, you dullard. You're in for quite a surprise! And no worries I'll wait for you to take a second pass at this since its significance eluded you the first time.

It was independently released

Independent doesn't mean amateurish by default, you dunce. Quite the opposite in many cases.

I read the thread and I don't really see anyone giving a fuck. The thread has something like 15 replies (46% upvote ratio) and a majority of them are between us. Again, my point. No one gives a fuck. We care about the comedy. That's it. I don't give a shit about a cover or someone's photoshop job particularly when it's to benefit a dead man's family. There's no need to pay a professional and further waste money especially when most people consume their media digitally, and they'll never see the cover to begin with. I must have seen Elephant in the Room 15 fucking times. I've never seen the cover and you know what? Not once has it affected Patrices comedy for me so once again shut the fuck up.

Also, the covers for comedy albums are notoriously bad for most comics. There job is to make people fucking laugh. They aren't painters, photographers, or computer graphic designers so I don't give a shit about what the God damn album art looks like. Maybe if Patrice was a famous painters as well your argument would hold a little more merit, but he's a fucking comedian. His job is to make you laugh. Not to impress you with some cover art. Why can't you comprehend this?

They used a shitty photo of a dead man and tried to give him what he wanted for his next album release. If Patrices mom and Von like it I'm sure that's all that man gives a fuck about anyway. He doesn't give a shit what you find professional and what you don't particularly when it comes to his own album.

I'm simply pointing out obvious facts. Your argument is so fantasy based that you're now pretending you know what a dead man's opinion is on my reddit comments. You couldn't be any further on the wrong side of you tried.

Fantasy based? Since when did Patrice ever give a shit about what people thought. I can make educated guesses based on the countless hours I've listened to him talk. Also, your observation sucks and really no one fucking cares. 5 people suddenly giving a shit years after the album was released isn't very damning evidence.

 He doesn't give a shit what you find professional and what you don't particularly when it comes to his own album.

A quote by you. About a dead man. Doesn't get much more fantasy based than that!

Again, you're either a massive dullard or being purposefully incorrect for some reason. And you've found yourself in this ridiculous state because some people noticed an incompetent cd cover was incompetent. Do you see how absurd you're being?

Some people? You mean OP and yourself feel this way. The album sold thousands. No one's given a fuck until years later. Your argument sucks and no one gives a shit about your individual tastes. The cover doesn't take away from the comedy either. That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Thank you, now fuck off.

I see that you can't even back up your own words. If even you can't take yourself seriously why on earth would I? Even ignoring the fact that everything you're saying is dumb and contradictory, you have no conviction. It's a common problem when someone is arguing an indefensible position.

Oh my fucking God shut up already. I'm done talking about this. There is nothing to be accomplished with you. You're useless.

I understand you're frustrated that you can't logically defend any of your feelings about this, but that's what happens when you pit your emotional fantasies against hard facts. You're welcome for the valuable lesson I've taught you. Use this new knowledge well.

I'm an artist dammit!

That is not art and Patrice would have hated it! To say otherwise is fantasy!

I use dullard way to much. Wow look at me using more Jim Norton crutch words.

Use dullard again. Please. You haven't used Jimmys word enough yet.

Are you going to use dullard or not?

Nah, I'm pretty sure Patrice would hate you but keep obsessing over how it's fantasy. I really don't give a shit.

And hard facts? There's nothing factual about this argument which pertains to Patrices cover l. It's all based on your opinion which is entirely relative to you. Not facts you stupid fuck.

Kill yourself.

Fuck off.

I don't care


Omg it's not good art!! It ruins the comedy. Ugghh... I know Patrice would have liked more than his family!

Blah, blah, blah...

Thank you for this frank and honest insight into your autism. You should try being this truthful more often!

Oh another autism joke... So edgy... Sooo sooo edgy

It's no joke. Only someone with a severe case would react to their feelings being hurt in such a spastic manner.

Keep going... But I'm the autistic one? Heh.

As you keep going, haha. If your 13 spastic replies in a row didn't already prove it, this shocking lack of self-awareness certainly does!

I didn't say I wasn't autistic did I? Just pointing out you be as well. Thanks for playing.

You must be getting so sick of how correct I am with all my observations about you, and how wrong and pointless your little fantasies have proven to be. I'm amazed at how easy you are to deconstruct!

Do you ever just shut the fuck up?

What do you mean?

Almost every image you see in a professional advertisement is photoshopped. It can be done properly or completely incompetently like this, to say nothing of the horrible graphic design that makes it even worse.

Oh another autism joke... So edgy... Sooo sooo edgy

What do you mean?