Top post on reddit.. I hate this website.

0  2015-11-16 by [deleted]



Even Bernie can't help but think "Holy shit, what a fag!"

How do all of these Bernie shills not understand he's never going to win the primary over Hillary? The MSM has already chosen who the next Democratic presidential nominee will be and it definitely ain't Sanders.

There's never an Isis suicide bomber when you need one.

If you had never heard the word fag before, you would come up with it yourself after seeing this picture

Is that along the precedent of "Nigger was a feeling" in the words of Patrice and Louie?

If I saw someone wearing that at a bar it'd take a lot not to cheapshot them


Who is that?

We are not your friends.

what does this have to do with this sub really? wait is that Gavin in the background?