Seriously, the amount of news stories and content over the weekend and they're spending their time watching the same shitty video from last week?

28  2015-11-16 by Houghton91


Opie's mind is still stuck in the early 90's.


He doesn't understand that there's so much retarded shit online these days that any awful "viral" video he posts will be forgotten immediately, and no one's gonna go, "MAN I GOTTA CHECK OUT THIS #OPIERADIO GUY, ITS SO HARD TO FIND CONTENT ONLINE!"

Previous to watching this video, they watched another video of a guy shooting fireworks at his nipples... I guess? I don't know. I'm fucking driving. I can't watch the same video as the hosts of a radio show.

Opie's commentary was "Well, this guy was going for his viral video, so he got that, I guess."

I just don't get his obsession over a "viral video". I'm surprised he doesn't push to get the channel name changed back to "The Virus".

Do any of these people actually go for a viral video? Aren't most of them just people that post random stuff and it takes off? I've never heard of one viral video star say that they planned it. Most of them say that they just posted a video and were surprised it took off.

I just don't get his obsession over a "viral video".

It drives me fucking crazy. The motherfucker has actually HAD [decently] viral videos before, and they didn't change a thing. I really want to know what it is he's chasing. What the fuck does he think happens once you get a viral video? He's been positively obsessed with it since 2007.

Perhaps earlier than that.

Pretty sure hes the last person that still uses "RULES" to describe something he thinks is cool.

The show is fucking trash. If you're still listening I certainly hope you're stealing it.

It's not even worth the electricity to steal it or the wear and tear on your mouse & keyboard

Dude, I think managent would disagree with you, nice try though.

That was not well-executed.

Would you expect any less?

Expecting less seems like the best way to prepare yourself to listen

They should put that in the intro of the show.

jesus christ that made me chuckle.

You know why they are? Because that dumb fuck opie was told on Friday by one of the girls that were in that it was hilarious when he said he thought the guy was saying "don't do dat". He felt the need to say that every time they played the video. HEARD YOU YOU ZERO. It's not funny.

Ribs hurtin today!

Slapstick does nothing for me especially when it's on the radio.

Unless it's an old lady getting her hat removed

Or the Shockmaster making his grand entrance

Did he watch the video of zebras running around Philly today? He spends a lot of time down there btw.

Philly zebras are just naturally funnier than other zebras, you know what I mean?

What happened over the weekend? I was playing fallout.

God dammit I need to get a next gen console

If only I didn't sell my PC for a Mac. But at least I get to enjoy risky porn without any worries

Either way, a new PC is a better investment than a console.

Wait until the radio genius learns about Lemonparty....

Opie is always "up" on the latest trends.


B-But, it's got Opie's "home run" in it.

I actually kind of appreciated the fact that he mentioned that he only gets like, three a year. But the saying goes, act like you've been in the endzone before. Especially considering that it wasn't that funny.

Opie really thinks his observation (the guy who gets pinned saying "Don't do that" which isn't even what the guy is saying) is hilarious. It's not. It's not a funny observation. The video is funny once or twice, but he killed it and it's certainly not worthy of all the attention he's giving it. But he thinks his "observation" is so hilarious that he has to keep bringing it up.


I watched that video 50x and laughed my ass off each time.

Opie: Asians have no emotion! They're just standing there!

Unless it's an old lady getting her hat removed