Maybe we should stop infighting and focus our hatred somewhere else?

6  2015-11-16 by maynardsabeast


On a side note..can someone get this to Gavin... I want to trigger him..

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

They mostly loot at night.


Sorry if this has already been posted. Can someone fill me in on this shit? Someone not over the top biased perhaps. So these students rallied to get the president of the university fired and got their way, correct? Then they just kept at it cuz they are attention seeking babies that want to feel important?

But what really happened? Wasn't it just some dumb hillbilly students drove by some black kids and yelled nigger at them? How is that the presidents fault? As far as I understand (I admittedly have paid very little attention) they didn't even know who was responsible. I can see if they caught the person and didn't punish him why the dude should step down, but I don't believe they knew who did it. So wtf are the students bitching about? What did I miss?

Lastly I also read a hilarious article that the one student on his "hunger strike" wearing a dumb t shirt that he wrote something about being oppressed on literally comes from an affluent millionaire family. I mean this shit is truly scaring me about these younger generations. They're longing to be so nice and accepting and PC is gonna have this country under fucking Sharia law in 30 years. As a proud liberal it seems my only voice out there anymore is Bill Maher who is as liberal as it comes and has the balls to talk about the fact that we should not be respecting these troglodytes religions at all and Islam is the biggest scourge in the world

they found some feces in the shape of a swastika and then the dean quit....ridiculous to take a swastika seriously in 2015...the poor fucking dean quit jesus christ

This is what confuses me. If it was a swastika made of shit, doesn't that insult Nazis and the symbol itself? It's like saying that Piss Christ exhibit is a metaphor for Christian supremacy.

Lol someone took a shit and then smeared it into a swastikia and that's why people are losing their fucking minds?

Anthony called him a faggot for stepping down under pressure, which was hilarious.

I'd say he's half-right, there is enormous pressure these days, it seemed odd to take such a drastic measure for almost no reason.

I think that the point is "what would have happened if he were fired instead?" His academia bullshit reputation would have been the same either way. He got fucked for nothing, and the only way to get unfucked is to weather the storm or hope the shitty college mentality changes.

They aren't even Jewish, what significance does the swastika have for black people?

I guess nazis hate black people as well. Just think, your username is enough to make a dean quit.

You're right, I'm probably triggering everyone

Unbiasedly: Basically. There's a bunch of blacks on campus who shouldn't be there in the first place.



Anthony called him a faggot for stepping down under pressure, which was hilarious.

They aren't even Jewish, what significance does the swastika have for black people?

This is what confuses me. If it was a swastika made of shit, doesn't that insult Nazis and the symbol itself? It's like saying that Piss Christ exhibit is a metaphor for Christian supremacy.

Lol someone took a shit and then smeared it into a swastikia and that's why people are losing their fucking minds?