Jim Jefferies still got it

45  2015-11-15 by bizzlbone

Saw him last night in Chicago, he fuckin killed. Talking about the Paris thing and how the "muzzies" are a bunch of cunts and how being raped by Cosby must have been an honor. I highly suggest seeing him if he's in your area


Jim Jefferies is the man. I'd say Patrice, Louis and him were the 3 funniest guests on O&A.

No Burr? Or CQ?

They were good, but Jefferies has some classic appearances that Burr and CQ can't touch. The Justine Joli one is still untouchable

Patrice is overrated cause hes dead

I don't think Patrice is over-rated but it is interesting that "cuck" is the current slur of choice in this sub and Patrice was raising someone else's child, making him literally a cuckold.




He was here??? Shit. I saw him a couple years ago and he made one of my sisters friends walk out 10 minutes into the show. As a special education teacher she was APPALLED that he would make jokes about retards. It was great.

Yea he was at the Vic

Classic Jim

I really want someone to pick up his sitcom again. I cant believe it wasn't more popular, must be today's culture I guess.

Legit was fuckin hilarious, that episode when he had the girl in his trunk and got pulled over

A favorite was the one where it was supposed to be an intervention in the backyard and meanwhile a party is happening in a bedroom with whores and coke. Such a funny show.

Loved Cliff as his dad too

Cliff was Billy's dad, right? Jim's dad was played by former Bond George Lazenby

You're right I mixed them up

No biggie--Cliff was great!

When did we stop tearing each other new assholes for fucking up the smallest of things and why? This place is getting to nice.

*too, you fuckin cunt

Yeah I liked it a lot. I was hoping Netflix would pick it up.

He's talked about doing a movie to wrap it up.

Funny bastard. His laugh during this bit always cracked me up.


That old lady had a better chin than Ronda.


Her striking's probably better too.

Tits hole-ing it up even before his kids were born. "You guys are nuts man!"


The man did a play by play reenactment of Oscar Pistorius murdering his girlfriend and called him a hero. Jefferies is a fucking legend.

Saw him in Alberta a month back and his standup is still savage, he is such a rare mixture where he was an amazing guest on OandA and a legit standup.

I am in the minority but I did enjoy the shit out of both seasons of Legit.

Don't know if that's a minority opinion since most people I know who watched Legit agree it was awesome and shouldn't have been canceled

The network fucked him. They switched him to a different channel nobody knew about and didn't advertise it. He was probably being overpaid and they wanted to get rid of him

Yeah the only show I know that survived a move to FXX is It's Always Sunny and that's because it already had a huge following to begin with


He killed at the Beacon. He's fantastic.

Saw him last night too, he went on some liberal idea tears which I wasn't a fan of, the venue (the Vic) blew and the crowd was intolerable (I was at the late show and everyone was being drunk douches)

Vic is great for music shows. Always within 3 feet of a bar on the floor.

he was at the vic last night?! i saw him there last year and he was awesome, got a picture with him afterwards.

He didn't do gun shit for that long, mainly bashing Muslims and his dumb girlfriend

Dude he fucking stinks when it comes to politics. He's seriously an uninformed douchebag when it comes to guns. He should stick to being funny.

While I agree, his delivery on anti gun politics was so funny. it still made me laugh.

Because us americans have got all this gun business figured out right.

So does the rest of the West right? France needs even more gun control!

Shh this guy is funny AND knows what he is talking about.

Are you sure you're not mixing up your Jimmys?

Saw him in DC a week or two ago. Overall it was a great set, although the last 20 minutes or so were pretty weak; you could tell the crowd was trying to anticipate his closer for like the last 5 jokes. Best part of the show was him destroying some heckler woman who threw her drink at him. Man did he ever roast that bitch.

Highly underrated comic IMO.

Was he banned from O&A/O&J? I noticed he stopped coming in or calling in all together for years.

He wasn't banned, he stopped giving a shit about them since his career has taken off and he's been able to sustain it without having to plug himself on the show. Last time he did something with O&J was the Just for Laughs festival right after Ant got shitcanned. I assume he recognized right then and there that the show was gonna be terrible now and decided to cut his losses.

Yea he was at the Vic

Classic Jim

The network fucked him. They switched him to a different channel nobody knew about and didn't advertise it. He was probably being overpaid and they wanted to get rid of him