Louie chokes up talking about Patrice (10:08)

26  2015-11-14 by JMueller2012




I'm sorry that I don't know how to do that and it's so hard for people to click on the time mark I provided. I really am Lucifer incarnate

At least you've come to terms with it

through your tears

Hit the share button on youtube and a little box will come up to share it from a certain point.

Thank you

Don't thank him thank me. I'm the reason that went viral.

If you're on pc you can right click the video and it give you the option to copy the time stamped link

What about mobile? Nothing?

Add &t=00h00m00s

If you want to start at the beginning, yes.


Just listen to the whole thing. His love for Patrice and Doug is awesome.

I came hard and fast. 10/10

Just glaaaze your body

Make sure you clean up after

That interviewer is awful. She actually tried to avoid the emotion. She could have gotten so much more out of Louie. I didn't just want to hear he's fucking angry at Patrice.

For those interested, he also gives Doug Stanhope props @ 8:36

JMueller2012 following through with the hard-sell.

I'm rather large

"Do you want to take a break" - NPR

I keep hearing people talk about the greatness of NPR but every time I listen I hear some infuriating Bullshit. It's like the people who say they get their news from Daily Show or Buzzfeed. It's a bunch of vinyl-record listening cunts sitting too close to the mic and sounding like it's their last day.


What is he, a fag?

I would love this clip more if I could shake my disdain for that annoying NPR host delivery for even a moment.


Does the fact that Louis is a fat piece of shit now negate any of his anger toward friends who don't take care of their health? The guy looks fucking awful.

Tell us how you really feel!

He's probably a quarter the size Patrice was, which was borderline Big Pun level

So Patrice was about 950 pounds? I'd wager Louis is currently 235 or so. Patrice was probably 350. Clearly Patrice was much more obese than Louis is. But if someone as slobby as him ever gave me lifestyle advice, I'd laugh in his face.

Then again this is an o&a sub, so most people here think Louis is rather slender.

Louis exercises though. He might not be consistent, but he trains at a boxing gym and he cleans up his act once in awhile.

Patrice never did. Von would feed him healthy food and try to control his blood sugar, then he'd go out and stuff his stupid face and then put Dave Attell in the awkward position of having to find a giant purple suit on short notice.

350? Watch Elephant in the Room, he was pushing the 400s at least

According to an article about him in 2011 and LA Times obit he was 300 pounds. That does seem a little low but there's no way he was 400.

sweet burn good sir! loll

I'm sorry that I don't know how to do that and it's so hard for people to click on the time mark I provided. I really am Lucifer incarnate