Patrice on The Office

18  2015-11-14 by bizzlbone

I was just watching an episode of The Office with the warehouse guys and realized that Patrice could have easily played Craig Robinson's character. He has a very similar personality and could have probably even ad libbed a lot of even funnier shit. No disrespect to Craig, he's a great actor in his own right, but Darryl was a major part of the show and if Patrice had done the role while Craig played a background character I imagine things would have been quite different for his career. Who knows, he might have not let himself go as much and stayed alive


I agree he would have done great in that role, and I liked Craig in it, but I think I remember something about patrice being purposefully hard to work with, like he thought he was above the gig so he didn't put much into it. He had some good moments, should have had more.


That is seriously one of my favorite quotes of the whole series.

I am probably wrong about this, but it's possible that Patrice didn't have the "positive attitude" they were looking for. The talent was absolutely there, but he might have not been the most pleasant guy to work with. He had talked about that a few times on the show, self-sabotage.

That's how he told it himself.

Yes this is not something that has been brought up and talked about countless times. Off the vomit now!

People repost shit all the time, I was just watching an episode with him in it and thought about this. And to be honest I've never really seen it talked about here before

The story goes that Patrice was called out to LA to do some more episodes, the fucking lazy guy literally just didn't fly to do it. I'm a huge fan of his, but man, he was just like 'eh' about the whole thing. You're right, that show got HUGE and practically every single person on that show was in every episode and they all got big roles in the end.

I respect and admire Patrice to an extent, but his work ethic was among the worst I've ever seen or heard of. It's such a shame. I hate when people talk about his 'I don't give a fuck' attitude like it's funny all the time. Some times it was but I'd say most of the time it was unnecessary and driven by his own ego. That story that Louie and Chris Rock tell about how they wrote parts in Pootie Tang, Louie, and as the dad in Everybody Hates Chris for him. They were literally HIS FOR THE TAKING, and they just couldn't give him the job because his attitude was such shit. I love the dude, brilliant mind, hilarious, so accurate on many things but I always was angered a lot by his attitude towards things. More so, because it stifled him. Unfortunately until it was too late.

That's kinda a purist comedian though. Always outside the tent pissing in and and never wanting to sell out for anything. Any of these comics who start doing big tv work inevitably lose their edge and start to become tamer over time.

I agree with that about some comedians but certainly not all. No successful comics have that attitude. I think a lot of the comedians who are regulars on O&A are like that. They aren't willing to adapt or work hard and their stand up/career suffers because of it. Jim Norton/Keith Robinson/Rich Vos, I can't think of any comedians funnier conversationally, but their standup is mediocre. And it comes from many things. Whereas someone like Bill Burr worked hard, adapted, took things like self-preservation seriously (people trash him for leaving the studio when they would fuck with a stripper or Bobo but I completely get that, one article on him doing that and he's fucked). Colin I think has even said that his own laziness has been his own worst enemy and that comedians who sit in the back and piss on other's success (no matter funny or not) are the ones who are the real pathetic people in the industry. Worse than the suits. Hard work trumps talent, every time. I wouldn't say Aziz Ansari is a good standup at all, but everyone who I've ever listened to on a comedy podcast (Bobby, Soder, DeRosa, Jay Mohr, Marc Maron, Todd Barry) says that that fucker would do 8 open mics a night, always had a pen and paper with him to write down material, recorded sets, was nice to be around. He treats stand up like its his job, which is commendable and he's reaped the benefits from that.

Now that I think of it. I can't really think of any O&A regular who I enjoyed on stage. I think I'd say Louie, Burr, Colin, and Patrice were it. The rest (Jimmy, Bobby, Vos, Robinson, etc.) are all very funny in conversation, like I said. The best. But their standups to me have just never evolved and their material seems dated. Just my opinion though

Not only talked about on here, was talked about quite alot on the show while Patrice was still alive.

Yeah they used to give him shit about it because he was basically just lazy and didn't like a few people on set. Even after I think Jim and Opie have been like "That should've been a Patrice part" a few times when they see him in movies

Craig Robinson ... aka poor man's Patrice O'Neal. FUCK that guy every role he's played should have gone to patrice (in a perfect world where he wouldn't have to abide to the rules of hollywood) It's like they genetically engineered patrice into some dude who will comply with all the Hollywood bullshit he wouldn't

Patrice was really dumb in that respect. He doesn't want to follow through with everything Spike Lee wants him to do out of some self-serving "I'm going to be the most genuine guy in Hollywood" act but goes on to make Furry Paycheck

I mean I like Craig Robinson he's a funny actor, but he's so similar to Patrice that a lot of his roles could have easily gone to him


Um he said himself that he refused to play the Hollywood game and that is why he wasn't bigger like on the Office and the like. He obviously took that Tough Crowd mentality with him everywhere he went instead of just shutting up and taking the check like you're supposed to. When it comes to TV Land be like Jon Cryer not like Charlie Sheen.

Was that the episode where Mindy Kayling was running her mouth and he told Ryan to keep his bitch quiet in a very Patrice kind of way. Or maybe that was an outtake.

That was in the actual episode. It was the office safety episode, Kelly said Patrice was like 900 lbs and a sea monster and he says "I bet you'd like to swim with the sea monster" then looks at Ryan and says "Dude, keep your woman in line" and Ryan looks at Kelly and says "Kelly, you offended the man"

Even as the background guy Patrice was, I think his character name was Lonny, he could've eventually had that role evolve. I mean, Darryl ended up working in the office and was like a major part by the end of the show, who knows if Patrice had a better attitude and stuck around and played the game, he could've ended up playing a big part in the show.

Oh my god you idiots would sacrifice your own mothers for this guy. What a terrible post. Why not post how they should've casted him in Cast Away or Die Hard. It's hypocritical that a sub that lives to bash Opie for talking about Caitlyn Jenner constantly, doesn't shut the fuck up about a comic who is decent at best. One who played the black card just like Sherrod. Craig Robinson was cast as Darryl because he was best for the part. All his movies prove that. Patrice had webjunk which looked like he just phoned it in. Also it's been said he phoned in The Office and Furry Vengeance. How about instead of thinking he's better than a part, he actually puts effort in? Daniel Tosh got a webjunk/Soup ripoff show and look what it did for his career because he put in effort. Nobody is going to walk up to Patrice give him a starring role in a Coen Brothers movie just because he thinks he's better than Webjunk. Plenty of actors started with small a part and became a huge part of the show. Darryl from Walking Dead for instance. Anyone here that criticizes this dude is crucified. You all act like he's the greatest thing ever and I'm sure most of you would end up hating him if he was still around. He's not the savior for the opie and Anthony show you think he would be. So go ahead and comment sarcastic things and jack each other off with mocking me.

What are you babbling on about?

the truth


You should have added some paragraphs, it's hard to read like that

Patrice phoned in furry vengeance because it was fucking gay. He didn't kiss ass to get roles and he aknowledged that and knew that's why he didn't get shit. The man managed to be a performer and die with his dignity which you can't say about a lot.

Sorry about the paragraphs.

Nah man, nobody forced him to take the role. If he thought it was gay, pass on it. Everyone gives Jimmy shit for phoning it in for a paycheck, Patrice is no different. And I really think him "not kissing asses to get roles" is an excuse that his fans are buying. Everything I've seen him in has been him being lazy. Bill Burr doesn't seem like an ass kisser and look at his career. Dude is getting his own show. There are lots of actors that don't kiss ass that make it through effort. This sub and show are the only places I've ever even heard anyone talk about Patrice. Even when he was still alive. If he was still alive, he wouldn't be a big deal. This sub wouldn't suck his balls. They'd turn on him. Just like they turned on everyone else from the show. Patrice had years to call out opie and it never amounted to anything. Everyone here loves to write fan fiction about what he'd be doing now, and the truth is, he'd be going on Opie's show to get plugs. Nothing more. You and I can go back and forth about this all night but we aren't going to see eye to eye.

I get it.

Gold please.