Old photo from 10 years ago of Tits hiding his Tits, poor Linzy doesn't realize how much larger they will grow in coming years

1  2015-11-13 by unclepaul84


Feel like Tit's lazy eye isn't getting enough acknowledgment around here.

Fucking Marty Feldman lookin motherfucker. (Google dat)

imagine these two idiots' conversations

Did you see what his bracelet says?

I most certainly did sir. I hate him so much.

Me too.

yeah ..

His wife is probably more intelligent than he is. Its more like one idiot and one softheaded jerkoff dimwit

She's pretty but I swear I haven't seen one photo where she doesn't look like a complete whore.

Also Opie looked much better then, he looks so decrepit and old now.

Well he couldn't bloody look worse could he? Please keep these type of comments to yourself for goodness sake.

She is a hot bitch tho

which means shes probably vapid and stupid.

but thats what we need. gavin is right. we dont want smart cunty feminists, I want dumb and pretty. Like lyndsi.

Compared to what?

I'm having trouble seeing the watermark with all that picture in the way.

Tsss...why don't you put on your glasses or sumpthin

They look like brother and sister

Don't make me come


Why is the image water marked? Who would steal it?


More of these photos please.

is that really a "Wease" wristband?

Lazy eye, B cups, not a hint of definition on his arms, yellow broken-crockery teeth. Truly a beautiful man.