Gavin just cancelled his show on TACS

0  2015-11-13 by GRIZx


O&J -- > Gavin --> Bennington --> TACS --> RaceWars/Bonfire --> Legion of Skanks 7AM-11PM there is something on now, 16 hours of audio cancer on a daily basis


I'd personally put Bonfire above most if not all of these shows. It's both quaint, yet fairly polished. As long as Jay and Dan still have that "new job" enthusiasm, this show will be awesome.

Race Wars is the audio equivalent of a puddle of piss on a cold tile floor.

Mmm cancer. Why does it taste so delicious? btw don't forget MWHM.


"Current TV's gonna fuck your shit up, Alex Jones." - PCchongor, 2005.

Just fuckin' with ya... the motherfucker is doing Monday thru Thursday at 10:30 AM!

Lol I didn't understand, I was thinking what he won't be able to get up that early?