[serious] besides manipulating the mentally ill, what else it Gregg good at doing on the show?

3  2015-11-13 by smokinswindler

Other than inviting (emphasis on "inviting") funny comics and mentally ill people onto the show just to let Jim and Ant bring the funny, what is Greggs legacy from the show? He could have been behind the scenes the entire time and avoided all of this earned hatred.


Hanging up on people.

He's the Deion Sanders of retards.

I'm actually kind of amazed by how good his comic timing is at hanging up on people, considering how poor it is in literally everything else.

Yeah but he ruined that when he fucked up the timing and played the dead air clip before actually hanging up on somebody. I think it was Bobo.

Hanging up on people.

And acting like it's an amazing thing. It's not a talent to press a button.

Being a board op.

Yeah he's great at turning mics on and off and moving the sliders so he's just a tad louder than everyone else

He has aggressively projected his insecurities upon everyone in his career to the point that they starve themselves or self-destruct as a means of escape.

Except Roland and Erock ... they seem to eat their stress.

Idk about Erick he's married he's allowed to be a fat boy. Roland on the other hand is gayer than Liberace and won't admit it so he eats an item of food for every dick he thinks about sucking

Calling him gay is giving him too much credit. He doesn't even sound gay. He's just a gross fat creep.

He seems like more of a pedophile than a queer you're right



Letting people know that it's his turn to talk


Causing a lot uncomfortable silences because no one has the balls to call him out on stupid questions, flubs, or his bombing.

  • reminding everyone he's been in radio since he was 18
  • killing the vibe to take an uninteresting phonecall
  • aggressively shouting HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON when the big baby wants to talk, even if a big time celebrity is in the middle of a very entertaining monologue
  • being a PSYCHO, MAAAHHHN