Mods and photoshop wizards, you're killin' it for us with the new sidebar pics! Sniff

8  2015-11-12 by truthie


They haven't added the best one with the most upvotes: Earthworm Jim ...

They added like 6 pics.

Are you saying this cuntily or with appreciation?

Cuntily, of course. We posted dozens and dozens of appropriately sized pics, and they added a handful.

To be fair only K1bblers were worth a damn.

Better than nothing. Glass is always half full in my opinion. Am I right guys?

I have very much enjoyed the new pics. Excellent work to all who contributed.

I like the Opie face with Guy Fieris hair

Gay Fieri?

Pop em in the oven!

I was pretty happy to see ugly fucking stingel face

The Bobby Kelly faces and Uncle Paul in the tub ones are just fantastic.

i miss sky Patrice

I like jim and opie with return of the jedi ghost ant.


the one of bald opie is actually painful to look at.

Even Reddit is pitching in.

My favorite one I've seen so far is with a very young Ant and Brother Joe in the bathtub with Uncle Paul.