Real talk: bald opie is a psychotic loser with nothing better to do than to stalk a has been radio host,

0  2015-11-12 by Jordash995

Puts it into perspective, doesn't it?


Not really, I think bald opie is great. We all have our hobbies. I think its time well spent.

One psycho loser defending another psycho loser. What are the odds?

I think you're mistaking stalking for harassing. Nice try with the hate though...

Baldopie is the best.

This guy is a gay person!

Nothing wrong with that (BTW, I Plan on continously posting this link, it honestly brings me joy)

That'd be funny if they did a human centipede of dicks in asshole

Opie? Sniff sniff..bald Opie gets more retweets too..

I spend my time drinking alone, Whoo-Kid never retweeted a pic of me in my moms basement

This whole sub is dedicated to harassing a radio host. Bald opie is amazing

that man is a saint on earth.

At least he's being productive with his time

It'd be fun to crowd fund a poster or billboard put up of one of Bald Opie's PS masterpieces outside the Sirius building for a month.

That's a great idea dude too bad that neighborhood would be SO expensive

"I've listened to the show since 2006. Everyday for hours on end. I'm one of these super fans that opie thinks he's passed us by. When this whole thing went down between opie and ant, I really didn't have a dog in the fight. I thought ant was going to race as a crutch and a way to be angry. But I've genuinely started hating opie over the past few weeks. This especially came through in the 2006 audio. He always tried to control Patrice and did passive aggressive crap like get mad at Bob Kelly in those old shows. Tits went off the rails with Twitter. He's always had this need to go viral (brother man, wow, etc) but he's just become this awful loser. It's like he Hawks stuff like funny mofos which is embarrassing. Who wants that signed crap from him? Opie is a tortured man who's trying to prove he doesn't need Anthony. To do that he needs to crest a show that's not O&A. No 50 gallon drums, no pattie, and no pests. We should just forget about how this guy."

I like to think of BaldOpie as a collective. In the mold of Anonymous.

That's a great idea dude too bad that neighborhood would be SO expensive