DJ Whoo Kid Retweeted the BaldOpie Pic!

133  2015-11-12 by ChrisCapezza


The brilliance is really the long term game, to flood all the pictures of him with these... They're going to get all mixed up. Before long when people Google him, these will show up.

God bless you baldopie

when people Google him

The only people who google him are people in this sub, to photoshop his head.

He googles himself. Also when Bam Jr. and Bambina decide to look up their "dad" this is what they'll see.

Real opie is catching up to bald opie in terms of lòoks

I have no idea which pics are which at this point.

I think he's the funny one

I am amused by this.

Y'know, until now, I've found Baldopie to be kind of juvenile and weirdly desperate in his commitment, but when you put it that way, the whole project makes perfect sense. Godspeed, Baldopie.

Same. I've always thought if youre gonna put that much effort into this, at least do something that focuses on his lack of talent rather than his physical appearance(and its not even much of an insult to call him bald and then have to photoshop it) but the idea of these getting mixed in with real pictures of him is pretty hilarious.

fucking gold. BaldOpie is the best follow on twitter.

Don't be faggots and give it away on twitter. Act as if the pic is perfectly normal and say nice things.

"Great job with the interview today Opie!" Make sure to RT both.

I love that this account is relentless, and now it's starting to get legs.

opie looks like he smells.

God damn that's funny.

Opie can't justifiably be angry at Whoo Kid for this, the man is a child. He can't be held responsible for the dumb things he does.

Whoo Kid thinks the Earth is flat because when he's flying in a plane he doesn't see the Earth curve.

The sad reality is that by the time this Bald Opie stuff becomes the first images people see when they type "Opie," the man will actually look worse. As in, five months from now.

The only thing that would make these pics better is if he started adding fever blisters to those pursed lips.


Stupid nigger.

All white people look the same. Shrug.