Baldopie has outdone himself.

93  2015-11-12 by hideouslyheather


All I want in life is for Bruce Campbell to retweet that image.

well dj whoo dat did, so there ya go.

For funnyman Jim Florentine, being a great grandson is no laughing matter. Actor Bruce Campbell posed for a picture with Comedian Florentine and his rascally wheelchair-bound grandfather. "Gramps didn't know who Bruce was but was excited about the attention so I rolled him into frame. Bruce was a real gentleman about the smell."

It's truly a thing of beauty... Good bless you BaldOpie

Best part is he's standing next to Bruce Campbell, who has probably aged better than any human being alive.

Hell yeah! I'd put it in his shitter

Hey, easy big fella! Hands off the merchandise!! Lol!

I hate flourentines "look at me leaning forward like I'm about to lunge at the camera" pose

Guy Fieri ain't got nothing on Florentine

Yeah maybe he shoulda lunged into his wife more maybe she wouldn't have left him for a big dicked trainer am i right ?

This is his best ever. Your eyes naturally dart from Florentine to Bruce Campbell to the black dude and then to Opie looking like a fucking ghoul. I wish I could buy /u/FootThingOnHisFoot a beer.

is that baldopie ?!

bruce campbell aged pretty well and is the only one of 4 middle aged men who is dressed like an adult

That got a gut laugh outta me.

Opie is turning into a deadite!

Thoughts and prayas

we need to get these pics out, 1000 POINTS is media or someone picks up a bald opie photo thinking its real

Didn't have to do anything to the teeth.

When is BaldOpie going to display his work in an art gallery?

I can't seem to find the original, anyone got a link?

BaldOpie's isn't too far from the truth.

That's the beauty of the BaldOpie... They're on that fine line of how far you can photoshop a picture and still make it look legit. I think a few news outlets have even posted his work as the actual Opie... which must REALLY bring out the greggshells

It's almost worse.


I'm surprised it tooK him this long to make him have a horseshoe. Keep them coming, BO.


Did Opie get baldopie's twitter taken down? I don't go to that site but where do all these pictures get uploaded?

That guy is relentless. I recognize his shtick is probably funny to the haters out there and I can appreciate it but I also can't stop thinking about all the time he dedicates to this endeavor. He's tweeting and doing this non stop 24 hours a day, dude has no life. Plus he's just another anonymous guy that would undoubtedly suck opies cock when he met him. But hey, he's doing it for the love of the reddit validation

The haters? Baldopie is an artiste.

His fan base is 100% haters the way Yokos fan base are 100% moron.

Back to your wrestling you faggot.

You obsess over opie Hughes and try and make fun of wrestling.....makes sense. Nice username

You don't need to try and make fun of wrestling. If you are a man and like wrestling, you are a faggot.