Thank you for your service Lady Di. Happy Veterans day

61  2015-11-11 by Dennyislife


Paul Dano?

Thought the same thing. It's like a cross between Paul dano with a little opie mixed in

Came here to say this. Holy shit, it's uncanny.

Classic Paul Dano

Yes! And a bit of Stevie Ray Vaughan

We all know this guy only served for his civic duty and not to be a war did most young men of that generation.

Lady Di I salute you for service, sir. Your balls are the size of a water buffalers'. I'd hate to think where this country would be if it were not for guys like this.

Going M.I.A. to hang out in motel rooms and eat pizza and drink soda.

fat slut

"I am a fat slut? Oh, no, no, no, no. I am not a fat slut."


Thank you for your cervix Di!

Someone tweeted that the VA can help her find a job...put that on the pay no mind list

The thousand yard stare you can only get from being plowed in the dumper in the back of a 78 Camaro.

I don't think she lasted long.

So is she still in the nut hut? Updates please.


Seriously, DennyIsLife... Do you have any updates? Screen caps? Etc?

Nothing has changed. I suspect there will be no major updates from now on.

Bummer. I thought there'd be some news.

She lost it at the start of October. It's nearing the middle of November. Lady Di the character is no more.

I want Adrian to film Vines of her corpse.

Ah the man who took 100 dollars off the money fans gave to give to her landlord.

Yeah, that was pretty fucking low.

That kid has had to drive and watch/tame her many many times, I really can't blame him for skimming a little off the top.

He could've fucked her too.

She was dishonorably discharged from the Navy.

I have eyelashes

I've got a big tusk just like an elephant.


R.I.P. goodnight sweet princess... :-(

Ah the man who took 100 dollars off the money fans gave to give to her landlord.