Anyone seen Aziz's new show on Netflix?

0  2015-11-11 by JMueller2012



Does he say innapropriate things in a high pitched african american dialect?

I'll be sure to tune in.

Saw today, the laughs were not a-plenty


Aziz performed at Family Night at my school, was actually pretty decent. Had people give him their phones so he could text girls they were trying to get with and hook it up for them, some lard ass went up and he was just like yo I don't think I can help you bro

Indian burn.

The only time Aziz made me laugh was his cameo in Observe & Report. Everything else has been awful. The show is complete shit. It's about as unimaginable as a sitcom can get and he crowbars a bunch of PC shit about race and sexism as well. I gave up afrer about 4 episodes.

Haven't seen it yet but I'll take your word for it

If he's talking about intimate moments he's out of his fucking mind

If he left out the feminists and pc shit it wouldn't be bad but every fucking scene has something to do with sexism, racism, classism, fagism, it kills the show. One scene his 2 girl friends go nuts because a waiter didn;t shake their fucking hands.

I didn't make it that far. Glad I bailed before that.

But even without the pc shit the show would still suck. It just isn't funny.

Don't listen to this faggot OP. He's retarded and has no idea what he's talking about.

He's too stupid to realize that two girls bitching about how someone not shaking their hands is sexist is the fucking joke.

The white knight pussy returns. Don't be mad cause your show is for sissy bitches like you who women use as doormats.

Firstly, no. I'm no white knight. In fact I mostly post to /r/SRSsucks and /r/tumblrinaction. Secondly, you must be realy fucking insecure about what's packing/lacking in your pants to feel so threatened about the ideas in that show. So much so that you couldn't see past the obvious satire and just labeled it "forced feminism".

I feel badly for anyone that has to interact with you in the real world you fucking cuckold.

You mostly post in pro wrestling subs and make up stories about banging strippers lmao. Nothing like a neck beard meltdown, carry on sissy I'm sure Mr P would love this show like you said hahaha

Make up stories? Aww look at you swinging at the wind.

I don't make shit up. No need to lie on the internet. I DJ at a strip club for a living. Of course I've fucked strippers. Also kinds really pathetic and creepy of you to go through my post history.

You keep typing them big tough guy words you faggot.

I DJ at a strip club for a living

Case closed

What the fuck are you on about? That doesn't even make sense.

Why are you still on this? You're fucking pathetic.

Damn dude you on here 24/7 with your instant responses.


Yes watched the whole thing with a crushing hangover. Not funny and I don't think it was even trying to be funny. It's his Annie Hall with no jokes and tons of texting.

I think that Indians don't know what funny is.

You don't find The Mindy Project to be a knee slapper?


He was okay as the sixth most important character on a mediocre network sitcom I didn't like.

So, no.


Aziz stinks and I don't like him.

He's the Indian George Lopez. Blaming his lack of success and talent on his ethnicity

This show was written in a Gender Studies class with a sissy Indian kid doing his best to impress the fat feminist grading him.

It starts out with a laugh or two, but turns into a rom-com shit fest.