Here's Colossal Dickhead @OpieRadio Exploiting The Mentally Unstable Again.

2  2015-11-11 by Mud-


I have zero problem exploiting the mentally unstable. Lock those fuckers up and lose the key. The problem is Opie picks probably the least funny and/or interesting things they do to "exploit."

What's so special about this nutcase he felt the need to post it on the internet?

Not every nutcase is standing in front of Opie letting him record them.

So that makes him special?

Of course. A nutjob in Finland will never be able to stand in front of Opie.

He's putting WAY too much effort into this. Why not put some effort into the shitty raqio show rather than this crap?

He is so desperate to get one of HIS vines to go viral after he got cheated out of McFallen. Gregg Hughes is a pathetic human being. I have never seen a grown man so needy for attention. Goes to show how irrelevant the show is and how much he is ignored by his friends (if he even has any) and family. Everything he records is quiet and hidden away in his apartment, his wife Im sure hates him and by some periscopes looks like he might sleep in a seperate room, probably why he bought a bigger place to accommodate the seperation.

Hes like rainman but for social media

probably the more horrific possibility is that they really enjoy each other's company and have long, in-depth conversations.

What's the thought-process here? Some "urban" tweeter isolated Lonely taking a pratfall in McDonald's (those people are Luv'n It) from one of his shitty YouTube vids (minus @OpieRadio credit), posts the Vine on an "urban" aggregator, and it goes viral. Now he's desperately searching his multitude of video-garbage for Vine-worthy vignettes being sure to brand them with his pathetic comic-sans signature.

nailed it.

THIS would make a great Dru Boogie song.

Glad to see he's all in with the vines

Think he's going to plug it on the show?

Me: posted some new videos on vine, Jimmy where you at with the vine? You gotta get in on the vine. ..... Twitter

Ewww so he's really trying to use Vine now because he thinks it's what the young people are doing eh??

That shit died after Instagram got video capabilities. Only middle school girls use Vine.

Shurrre, that's what makes it so special, none of them damn OLD LADIES ruinin' everything

He's on vine now because someone made his video popular on it. I hate him so much. Can we make a fake new viral app and make opie think he's getting in on the ground floor and its actually just a Trojan so we can get his twitter and YouTube password

yeah,he thinks he has 20 million new fans thanks to that Mcthing.

Haha he basically gave an acceptance speech on twitter. Something needs to give already I don't think I can go on like this much longer, how free am I really if he's still out there on his phone checking the numbahs?

Why does this fucking idiot keep reposting the same tired, old content over and over again?

fuck im happy he is doing this stuff,you know he has nothing going on and no friends.Teehee.

ya know what duuuude, he's ennatainin peopallll

Chad ‏@cwismer25

@OpieRadio throwing gang signs... Level black

The comedic abilities of your average Opie fan, ladies and gents.