Was Opie trying to get the show moved to afternoons behind Anthony and Jim's back???

10  2015-11-11 by [deleted]



This was Opie and Tim Sabean idea to have Howard Mornings and O&A afternoons (Like when the show was relevant on WYSP - which Sabean ran - in Philly). To be a selling point to audiences and help build the show, grasp at the old days. Opie has always been a management boy as much as he bitches, they just have to be a high enough level. This is part of Greggshells lying and shady manipulation. Opie claims he's not the boss but he owns everything related to the show and all decisions run through him. Opie was trying to make this move, sell it to Ant, Jim, fans, and then blame management. Kind of like when Opie allowed Ant to be fired and wound up with everything he wanted all along and complete control...but it was all management's doing. Opie is just a weasel and when he gets caught plows over people. When he got caught with the firing he just kept rambling on about not doing everything he could to save Ant and grabbing at opportunity. Piece of shit Gregg.

Your assessment is 100% correct.

Tim Sabean was there for such a short time. Yet he fucked up so much.

Yeah, but his explosive diarrhea sure is funny amiright fellas?

He's still figuring things out.

It's so annoying listening to him sneakily try to sell afternoons to these two and when they get snippy he blames it on management and then when he realizes he's not going to get them to budge he does the whole take-your-ball-and-go-home route by saying "let's just tap out when our deal is up" when that's something Anthony and Jim clearly didn't want to do. Fucking baby cunt

Hey those are just amazing negotiation techniques. Period. sniff

Yeah that's what a smart business man does

It was barely even behind their backs. He was being obvious about it here.

Listen to his lie and Anthony get annoyed @ 36:10

He gave a lot more of a fuck when Tim got fired then when Ant got fired. I think he even had an angry tweet.

u/anthonycumiashow, comment?

Sounds to me like he's just trying to stir Ant up to get him to yell more... but I could be wrong. Tim Sabean sucks, regardless.

Around 40:45 Opie gets mad that it sounds like Jim told Ant something and not him. So he has to point out that he knows stuff too!

I remember that it was implied during one break that Jim thought that Sabean was brought over as a plan by Howard to tank the show. Starting by moving them to afternoons

He was right. Anthony does afternoons now anyway.

I immediately put out this theory when it happened and would you believe I was downvoted big time? Different time back then. I always hated opie but alot of you fags would defend him.

I asked ant to comment on it in his ama. But I don't think he's ever addressed it.

Opie is a real piece of shit for this. But the best is he wanted afternoons and instead got a 30 min delay. That's clout. And he acted like it was a victory for him.

What a jamoke.