Kevin Brennan

4  2015-11-10 by DAC027

This guy was fucking hilarious on today's show. The funniest comic they've brought onto the show since Ant left, other than Pete Davidson.


Loved his Norm story


I've never heard of this guy, had to renew my xm trial for bonfire and thought I'd take a peak at opieraqio. dude was fucking great! so bitter haha

Kevin Brennan is the biggest "Why didn't he make it big?" comic around.

He used to perform regularly at Caroline's and Dangerfield's. He was an absolute show stopper.

His younger brother isn't as funny a stand up - but is definitely more successful. He was the co-creator of Chappelle Show.

Holy shit I had no idea he was related to Neal, that's pretty cool

I only knew of Neal as the co-creator of Chappelle's Show. When they played some of his standup, I was underwhelmed.


Just like in any interview he does, you can't help but wonder where the funny is, and have to really try to accept the "comedian" label he has.

Neal looks like Bonnie.


His twitter followers next to his brothers twitter followers must drive him insane.

I doubt he gives a shit.

Kevin took Sarah Silverman's virginity, just a factoid for ya.

Where did he put it?


that was a good story


Neal also has a podcast called the champs. It hasn't been very active lately, but the Ms. Pat episode is some of the funniest shit I've heard in a long time.

I despise that fat round welfare nig nog


He was great, I def want him to come in more.

No you don't, because if you do, you'll start a thread about how much he's on the show and how annoying he is. Everyone on this sub does the same thing. Hears someone once, loves them, wants them on more, and after the third time, they're tired and loath that person.

Not me, I just want good guests who make the show funnier.

Him shitting on his brother was great.

Was funny when he trashed Nick Swardson.