O&J Listening Thread - 11/10/15

0  2015-11-10 by silks322

Tune in to see if The Opester and crew can keep up the energy and excitement of last night's documentree show!


So far today they've discussed Lasik eye surgery, denture adhesives and Sea World firing Justin Stangel.

They're old. They were too childish to talk about adult subjects in an intelligent way, and now they've skipped over into being geriatrics.

my pecka just slipped out of my jean shorts

You forgot starbucks christmas cups.

"If you have glasses or contacts and don't get laser corrective surgery what are you doing!?" - The Titster true man of the people.

It reminds me of this episode where all of them - including Bob Kelly - were speaking mortified about how some people out there have to eat lunch at their work, or they don't get a full hour where they can wander around to a deli or ask an intern to fetch some fucking cabbage. They're speaking to an audience of truckers, white-collar miserables, and unemployed sex offenders.

Hey, I'm employed.

This is the shit I can't stand that they do.

What does that even meeeeaaannn?

Jim Florentine in studio just KILLIN it for us today.


Yep, Florentine's on again. Find out what family member is being held hostage in ransom for Jim to be the dancing monkey on Tits' show. I know Jim gets shit here, but I wouldn't want this even for Kylie Jenner.

Tits - "Christmas is starting 2 months early? It's a little early isn't it? All the decorations are out already! It's so early for it!" sniff

This is so beat to death every year. More unoriginal thoughts.

It's not even Thanksgiving yet for god's sake!!!

So deep. so original.

Starting off the morning with some S-T-PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

https://twitter.com/GroovyBruce in studio today. #Jockvember

He's too cool to get his Twitter smashed. Unless <I>Ash vs. Evil Dead</I> is a godawful show.

it's pretty good. you can watch the first episode free online. gewgle it

Opie is a rock headed idiot.

You gotta tell me what he said. Please? A little taste...

Like his head is a rock or he's got rocks in his head?

Johnny Ola in studio.

ME: I have to admit I tapped out halfway through that movie! It got too confusing, how it kept going from modern day to the 1800s or whatever. sniff That was Hollywood being too cool for the room! It's overrated. PERIOD.

No love for Stracci...


Lasik eye surgery can correct birth defects in the shape of the eye, with the possibility of haloing and vision loss (Kathy Griffin lost 30% of the vision in one eye due to laser eye surgery).

However, when you hit your mid 40's the lens in your eye isn't as flexible, and the muscles can't distort it to focus on close objects. This is why people with perfect vision tend to need reading glasses at some point. This cannot be corrected by laser eye surgery since all it would do is then impair your ability to focus on distant objects - for which you would then need glasses. I'm guessing this was mentioned. tl;dr - Ray Milland.

Wait. They did that for reals...

I think the Stangles don't like Roland. At least Eric doesn't.



It ruined your morning Yimmy, yet you are still talking about it...

Yesterday Opie called out Jim for using notes at comedy shows and said "Look at me I'm doing radio with no notes, no prep" This guy spent an hour going through his chinese food bag telling Roland what he forgot to order him on Roland's own birthday

kevin brennan was pretty fucking funny

This is so beat to death every year. More unoriginal thoughts.

It's not even Thanksgiving yet for god's sake!!!

So deep. so original.