Ant & Jim explain Opie's role

23  2015-11-10 by Crisby4


kind of makes me hate ant and Jimmy even more. they're such weasels in this

They both sound like codependent house-wives. Jimmy going "it's just hilarious to hear someone say something so obviously untrue". Ok worm, great representation of reality

you can hear them painfully searching for something nice to say.

Haha yeah, I feel like he might even been hurt that Anthony couldn't think of one funny thing opie has ever done. Oh cool he made stalker patty masturbate and have her first orgasm? Tight I'm sure she loved that, man that's funny, good radio. Not rapey weird and traumatizing for her.

The poker chips is the hardest jimms ever laughed at the show. Oh yeah man that was hysterical what a comedic genius to shit on someone who does something nice for you. Guy wonders why he has no real friends. Jeesus I hate when I get too deep and start feeling bad for him. He really has no friends.

Come on you're forgetting about homeless cake stomp..... That work of genius was Opie too.

leave it alone

I remember commenting on the Youtube clip of this years ago saying Opie's whole shtick is so transparent - he doesn't know how to be funny so he's just mean.

he uh... he sees what gets to people... yeah yeah he detects weaknesses!

Tss weasels maybe they shoulda had a mornin' ZOO show er sumptin. HOMERUN CHIPPAH!

In fairness, what could they really do? Agree with the caller and decide, live on the air, that they don't need Opie and that he should quit for the good of the show?

I agree that Opie was dead weight - probably worse than dead weight - for years and should have been dropped, but taking a caller's side against him wouldn't have helped achieve that.

they didn't have to do what they did either

Funny listening to this now that Opie's show is a rudder without a boat and Ant's show is a boat without a rudder.

Opie has neither of those things.


notice how Jimmy immediately goes for crushing any potential gregshells by stating right away "He's not a fan of the show! no way a fan of the show could dislike you, Opester!"

& psychologically assessing the caller "he must reminds you of someone who bullied you as a kid". Jim is such a phony

projection by jim there

"you gotta love ope, dude, there's no show without ope!"

Ant on the other hand...

fucking worm

Video description: One of the idiotic Opie haters calls in. Anthony and Jim explain why he's a fool. - 2010

I wonder if he still feels that way.

Great find. I remember this.

The point is that this clip is about 10 years old. When Ant/Jim gave examples of what Opie does, it's all stunts. It's the poker chips thing & Patty getting naked. They haven't done a stunt like that, a "cringe moment" or whatever, in years & years. Probably haven't done one in the entire Obama administration.

It was interesting hearing Anthony self-aware that if Opie wasn't there he'd just go on & on about political garbage. Because that is true & that has happened. However, I'd still take that over whatever the hell the "Opie & Jimmy show" has become.

It was interesting hearing Anthony self-aware that if Opie wasn't there he'd just go on & on about political garbage. Because that is true & that has happened.

That didn't happen on the Nopie shows, though. Opie isn't what made Anthony good.

Yea but the Nopie shows wasn't every day. So, just like when Cumia started his show or when he got the NYC studio, initially everyone was saying how great it was & Anthony wasn't being political. But once he settles into a routine he falls back on that same shit

Opie has been 100% useless since O&A transitioned from a "shock jock" type show to comic's hang out. The only thing he was "good" at was stunts and pranks (which 10-15 years later are all cringefests). All he was able to do the last 7 or 8 years of O&A was butting in to read instant feedback and take awful calls to justify his existence.

As for holding back/keeping Ant's political/race rants in check, he failed horribly at that too (if he was even trying to stop them). Ant's political shit got worse and worse since Obama was elected.

I listened to this, and I have to say I agree with Anthony. Opie does have giant tits

Would love to hear Anthony comment on this clip today

Opie the Dutch Rudder.

I wonder what caused them to always jump to his defense.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear it was because of Greggshells.

Not like he straight up said "you have to defend me when those kind of calls come in" but probably, from what we know about how he acts, he'd get shitty and passive aggressive after if no one backed him up.

Or maybe the show's disdain for callers in general overrode their annoyance with Opie's personality?

Idk though you'd think from the way Ant talks now he'd have reveled in someone taking the piss out of Opie even for a second since he never could.

I wonder what caused them to always jump to his defense.

Imagine if you had to work with someone every day, and your job required a certain degree of good humor. Would you tell that person that they're useless and contribute nothing, knowing that you're still going to have to work with them for the foreseeable future (yesss)?

Of course it's unrealistic to think they should've told him that.

But they could've let him fight his own battle.

They went above and beyond to defend him.

Ant and Jim's point that Opie is useful is that he has the dump button. Yuucck!


Anthony is so loyal here, little does he know Opie will return the favor with more nonsense and bullshit with the next contract negotiation.

What were they supposed to do? Throw their cohost to the wolves?

he loves that fucking money.


fuck the three of 'em, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit

It was wretched then, it's even more wretched now.

So lately I've been thinking that for a long time, years in fact, people have been kind of walking on eggshells around Gregg "Opie" Hughes... wait a sec... eggshells... Gregg... GREGGSHELLS!! Holy shit! I'm getting that shit copyrighted!!

Haha yeah, I feel like he might even been hurt that Anthony couldn't think of one funny thing opie has ever done. Oh cool he made stalker patty masturbate and have her first orgasm? Tight I'm sure she loved that, man that's funny, good radio. Not rapey weird and traumatizing for her.

The poker chips is the hardest jimms ever laughed at the show. Oh yeah man that was hysterical what a comedic genius to shit on someone who does something nice for you. Guy wonders why he has no real friends. Jeesus I hate when I get too deep and start feeling bad for him. He really has no friends.

he uh... he sees what gets to people... yeah yeah he detects weaknesses!