Tits' desperation to go viral has officially become sad.

27  2015-11-09 by arobben


Because the McFallen video went "super vine viral" he started making vines of his really old videos. He's an embarrassment. He's in his mid-50s

He is a husband and a father and a multimillionaire living in Manhattan who "works" about 600 hours a year. This is what he does instead of spend time with his wife and children in the major cultural region of America.

"Not now, kiddo! I gotta make {gritty rockstar voice}viiiiiiinesss{gritty rockstar voice}

I don't fucking get it. Dude is a millionaire and he spends his free time obsessing over twitter.

Because he know he got famous on someone else's talent and he's trying to justify his existence.



Does anything he does in his free time make sense? Think of all the awesome shit you'd be doing if you were making that kind of bank. This dude buys a penthouse in a tower and putters around in it in sweatpants, watching women's reality TV, and making Vine videos. Sometimes he goes to the park and "people watches" (even before kids). I'm not saying you should blow your money on cocaine and hookers, but even on vacation the dude goes to the same boring places. He's a male version of the Basic Bitch.

Gotta get that 13 year old with ADD demographic.

That's basically Opie so it makes sense.

It's gone super viral. Yuck

I wish he'd go super viral.

Get it?


yeah, like I wish he'd get cancer or sumpthin...

Technically it's not his video since it was staged and she likely came up with everything. She was the star, producer and director. He was just the cameraman.

yea you're right. she probably came up with everything! all he did was shoot it and upload it.

Is that you, Albert Barese?

It's taken him like ten years to realise that his 5 minute video is only mildly amusing to some dumb people for maybe 6 seconds.

I don't think he has even realized that.

In his mind it's now become the Goodfellas of viral videos and he doesn't even get recognition.

He's such a dumb unfunny dickhead that he never realized that 5 minute video of a fat lady putting mc in front of every word seems fake even to internet retards. He's dumber than the average internet user that believes the 6 second vine might be real. That's why it "went viral". shinkle-bout how dumb that makes him.

"Officially" is very close to being added to the list of words that automatically make me disregard and ignore anything you say. It is quickly catching up to "literally" "actually" and "epic".

"big time".





No. Not that one.

What does Opie get out of viral videos? I don't understand the obsession.

Attention he never got from his mom?

Exactly, it explains most of his persona really. He was one kid in a sea of kids + adopted kids, he had to act up later to stand out because he had no real other talents.

"Opie, we saw that a Vine you posted got 2 million views, let's double your contract."

He thinks it will justify his talents, since he has known for years that most of the fans always saw him as the weak link of the show. He thinks that one day he will have that viral sensation that makes everyone go "That's it! The viral video that defines a generation!" and then everybody will shower him with praise for years to come.

He's been at this for years. For a guy who has put so much energy into this, he really is clueless about how any of it works. But there he goes, day in, day out, trying for that viral sensation, thinking it will launch him into superstar status. And it never works. The only time it comes close is for the wrong reasons.

Opie is Willy Loman with a microphone.

Who the fuck uses Vine anymore? What an out-of-touch, large breasted chump.

he's going to be putting all of his and viral spirals resources into crafting vines now. Mercifully, the time limit of 6 seconds alone should make them better than his youtube efforts.

it was sad when he, a millionaire, hired a company to promote his shitty videos.

A millionaire with a radio show on a platform that can be heard around the globe. And he still failed at it. It's astonishing how much he sucks at this.

I hope Lyndsi leaves him and he's forced to fuck this fat whale for the rest of his life.

She really is a disgusting fucking hambeast.

I don't think we "pay enough attention" to her...

Perhaps a bit more

this fat things career hinges on this.This is it!

His wife's cheating on him for sure.

Without a doubt. Id never condone cheating as it is a horrible thing. But in this case I totally understand it. How can you not?


opie is continually looking for fame out of fear his slut wife will leave him.

If he didn't have so much money I'd think he was a suicide risk

I think he is stalking her waiting for a viral video.

Well look at you Mr early riser. I guess those Mcmuffins don't cook themselves.


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Opie is Willy Loman with a microphone.