Predictions for tomorrow's (monday, Nov. 9) Greggory&Pals show?

42  2015-11-09 by QuantumTabby

ME: Good morning. How you doing Jimmy.

Jim: (sleepily) i'm alright

ME: great song choice. I love the "insert band". Where you at with the "insert band" Jimmy?

Jim: (bored) Oh you know, i like them alright but i never got into them.

ME: I was all in with the "insert band" but i never went that deep with them. I just took a peek? SHERROD SMALL is here...

Sherrod: goddamn yo whiteboy music

ME: so sherrod small, did you see the Donald Trump on the SNL? Where you at with the Donald Trump?

Jim: grgllgrglllgrgll *THUMP (Jim's head smashing onto the table.)

Eric Stangel: I think he's dead...there's no pulse and he's not breathing. CALL AN AMBULANCE

ME: (monotone singing) 'I...I just died in your arms tonight...'

Sherrod: that's whitey music

ME: let's get dr. steve on the line, find out if he knows what jimmy has.

****or maybe they will just talk about Trump on SNL. What do you guys think?


Jimmy: Yeah I don't agree with Donald Trump butIcertianlythinkheshoudlbeabletosaywhathe wants. I'm just so tired of these whiney liberal hypocrite cry-babies. just ew...stop ....ew stop with the whining.your babies. just stop. stop.

haminahaminahamina SCUMBAGS haminahaminahamina HYPOCRITES haminahaminahamina CRYBABY DOUCHES

I don't agree with what you say, but i will defend your right to say it. Unless it's like, really offensive. Or bullying. Or creepy. Or sexist. Or anything that's not pro feminist.

You know what, you shouldn't be able to say anything. I'm boycotting you.

99% percent of police officers get it right, PERIOD. I'm basing that on nothing but my loyalty to Club Soda Kenny and my wishes for preferential treatment.

ME: i just don't get it. Why don't these blacks and even white kids just cooperate. Cooperate. You are'nt going to win if the cops arresting you. Period. Just cooperate with the cop and make your case in court.

Maybe i just don't get it, i dunno. Just let the cop arrest you, and then have your attorney bail you out. That's why you keep you keep a lawyer on call for you. Then have him put together a case and go fight the charges in court. The judge will give you house arrest at the worst.

I dunno. I guess I just don't understand why those kids run. In the end, i 'll never understand what's going on in those kids heads?


That was a portal directly into the mind of that dumb windbag.

easy for him to say, hard to do when you dont have money. such a dolt.

7/10 ::sniff::

Lady di special live from the care home. Gregg and James tackle the serious consequences of being fodder for a radio show.

They should do a war of the roses or maybe a fugitive bit.

No, no, no, no I'm not a fugitive.

I guess Opie Stern is only working 3 days this week.

He worked a Friday a few weeks back so must have needed a day away from the stress.

We all know he requires a good hour to unwind from not preparing for an interview, leaning on his various "expert" question crutches, being unable to read large, printed highlighted text, never pulling a blatant reference or band name let alone a clever joke, mispronouncing words for the lulz, and never offering an opinion for four straight hours, four days a week.

He needs at least three months off after working THREE straight Fridays 10/17, 23, and 30.


and I don't want the world to see me, 'cuz I don't think that they'd understand...

Hey you're the fatty right?

Still 320

Yep, sickeningly fat.

Yes sir

ME: So Jimmy, I went super viral this weekend.


He's McFallen...from grace!

mcrisen dogg

OP: (reads random news headline)

Sheerod: (gives the black perspective followed by him laughing the end of his last sentence)

OP: (sings) Money, money, mooooney!

Sherrod: "I haven't watched that movie yet, I'm going to have to check it out" (followed by him laughing)

OP: (sings) Got the poooooower!

Jimmy: (thinks to himself how much more fun it is when Pete or Ron are in studio)

This gets me totally pumped for tomorrows show. Not even joking.

Post like this, is why I lurk around the reddit shit hole. Love, fucking love!


Best Of

edit: I realized how dumb that statement is. A best piece of shit is still a piece of shit...

why is jimmy dying? are we pretending hes not a worm again