Reddit discusses comedy.

0  2015-11-08 by rottengymshorts


Some in depth social commentary there. Usually attractive people aren't funny, they don't have to be. Just look at Gregg "Abercrombie" Hughes, he's skated (rollerbladed) by in life based 100% off looks, he doesn't need to be funny or have a personality

Opie doesn't come off lazy, no one can deny he didn't put in a the time, but the difference between Opie making $60k at a station in cincinnati and millions in NY is soley off his looks at a young age. I think the young blonde surfer dude look is the only reason Opie got opportunity after opportunity in his 20s and 30s, with no talent.

You serious brah? He was doing garbage shifts on nothing stations until he met Ant. His main competition was fuckin Wease and he couldn't get a decent job. Dude was 34 when O&A started.

sorry...what looks? you act like he was as good looking as Nick Dipaolo or something? he wasn't even a hard 7


Someone mentioned Louie CK's "average looks". Average? Is he average looking? If he's average then I'm Patrick Stewart.

Louis is much better-looking than the average man is. And he looks like shit.

Go to a Rush concert or a wrestling show. Look at that crowd of average dudes. They're unbelievably ugly.

I'm not sure what that means? Is Patrick Stewart better looking than Louis? He's in his 70s and looks like a bald chihuahua.

Yea, that confused me. "If Louis is average looking then I'm and old bald gay man". What does it mean?

Last time I contributed to one of the x-posting links was also the last time I was allowed to post in /r/videos. Totally worth it.

Hasn't happened yet. I figured that's why I'd put it in the post instead of making the title the link. We'll see. The big subs suck anyways.