Fat fuck Roland is here...

4  2015-11-07 by Dannyprecise

...at the Beacon Theater for the Jim Jefferies show. Trust me, he is fat and he is very bald. No, I am not taking a picture of him. My iPhone is only the 64gb model and I don't have enough space nor pixels to capture that monster with one shot. I've been dranking, I've been dranking [Beyonce voice].


Was drunk last night. Could not report in realtime. Jim, near the end of his set was feeling a bit nostalgic and mentioned that the Beacon Theater was the first place he performed as a stand up in the US. He then went on to mention Opie and Anthony, but specifically Opie in that he was the one who invited him to do the show the next day. He said doing that show completely changed his life. It may have, but we in this sub do not appreciate when Opie receives any praise or credit for furthering a comics career.

So I say, fuck Jefferies for acknowledging Opie.


I've been dranking, I've been dranking [Beyonce voice]


Yeah, I had the same problem. I wanted to take a pic of my dick but my phone was only 300 terabytes.

I had cyber-sex with your mom, luckily I only have 56k dial-up so I lasted 6 minutes... I was attempting nerd humor, its not my thing, much like humor humor

Enjoy your viruses! (My mother is a filthy cyber whore)

Is it ironic that something meant to protect against viruses is called "Norton Anti Virus?"

My grandpa snagged Herpes during the Korean war, nothing to do with your comment, but the government sure likes to play-down those casualty numbers. Thank you for your service!

speaking of herpes... has anyone noticed ants newest "mouth pimples" courtesy of Dani Golightly?

Please drive home and catch a DUI.

If by catch a DUI you mean wrap your car around a tree. I agree.

And by wrap your car around a tree you mean die in a fuckin' car crash or sumpting cocksuckah.

He's only there cuz he thought it was the Bacon Theater.

Beyonce voice? GET IN THE SEA!

Shhhh ... be cool, man ... he might hear you

You fucking prick

pretend you're checking ur teeth when you take the picture


You got me giggling


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh peckahs!


Roll him down some stairs, please.

Our weebles wobble but he don't fall down.

Brush some barnacles off him.

I want you to get drunk enough to spit in whats left of Rolands hair... dont worry, knowing that fat slob Roland He will be asleep 10 mins in to Jims set. because hes a fat slob with sleep apnea, not insinuating that Jim is boring