Greenstein and Aleksander

7  2015-11-07 by lightmeup8


the photoshop stinks, and what does the thread title even reference?

They're 2 of the biggest cunts walking. Do you not know who they are?

I enjoy the occasional element of fan-fiction to this sub, it can be quite humorous. This is just blatant homo eroticism, I dont have a problem with it, I'm just wondering why you made it, and why you would post it? Actually, please don't explain

I'm a girl


That somehow makes it more disturbing


Well that explains why your photoshops aren't funny and of poor quality. Stick to blurring your instagram photos so you don't look like as much of a beast.

Thanks. That's a well thought out and necessary comment. I am not that good at Photoshop. Never claimed to be. I like to practice on pics and I just throw them out there. I have many of them and most are old, when I was REALLY shitty. Sorry I offended you. Also I have no idea what you're talking about Instagram. I don't have Instagram and you have no idea what I look like. So, that's pretty weird.

Excuse these pigs m'lady, they're all neckbeards and basement dwellers, you just keep doing what makes YOU happy, don't worry what these creeps and date-rapists have to say *tips fedora

WOW....there ARE human beings on this subbreddit. I don't know if that makes me happy or even more confused! Grazie for being human...:)

In retrospect I should have realized you're mostly men and this would not be seen in the same way I do. I got a real fucked up sense of humour. I'll try and stay away from the fag and dick pics...:D

WOW....there ARE human beings on this subbreddit. I don't know if that makes me happy or even more confused! Grazie for being human...:)