Anthony going to bat for Danny Ross. The other one would be the guitar hero fiasco.

6  2015-11-06 by tank_hankerous


Danny is a fag, fuckin douche bag Danny is a fa-a-a-a-fag. Oh, he's a homo. And he's balding.

snap snap Sal is a faggot, Choke on a dick, Saaaal is faggot Opie and Anthony Radio Shoowwwwwww...n' Jim.

You gayboys done?

You looking to join?

Am I too late to join?

( )====| -)

that song will be in my head long after danny is dead.

Look at him drink, he's an al-co-hol-ic Buy him a drink, you can get your balls licked

Balding? If Danny is balding, Patrice is dying. Get it?

I vaguely remember the guitar hero incident...Is that where Danny threw a hissy fit because one of the interns played better fake guitar than him? Faggot.

it's even worse, Anthony unplugged the game to save Danny's face and Anthony completely denied the whole thing.

Faggots. Anthony is the bitch in every relationship. Opie, his ex-wife, his friends....Fucking doormat.

i don't see where anthony did wrong. danny was shaming himself and anthony was the good friend, someone that stood behind his friend and did what needed to be done even if his friend wouldn't like or understand it.

i mean, he pretty much took the keys from the drunk driver before things went to shit. although, really, danny could have used a stern talking to even more but....

ant seems like he'd be the best friend ever, he likes to spread the wealth.

I found that funny, the way he comes back and just says "I was just over there looking at the console, and the plug fell out" he wasn't trying to fool anyone

you do realize he wasn't really denying it, right?

Blind intern stevie vs Danny is also horrible due to anthony

Yeah it was so cringey because Ant was acting so unlike him when defending Danny. A few times you actually assume he's being sarcastic but he was genuine. I guess Danny was even more sensitive than Opie.


Danny Ross is a faggot.

theres a few clips where Ant is just embarrassingly defensive of Danny. Opie overly defended Danny a few times too (on air) when Danny was in the wrong, which is weird because I always thought Danny hated Opie.

Danny was right in some cases, like his argument with Patrice. I think Patrice was just trying to find a way to get mad at Danny and he picked a weird argument

I listened to the Guitar Hero clip and thought it was all a bit designed to infuriate people with unfairness. It seemed like Danny was playing it up just to get the intern to take it seriously, then Ant came in and added drama.

Did it?