Big Jim Norton is a great.

13  2015-11-06 by smokinswindler

Please dont stop


Someone should make black Sherrod

Now that would just be silly.

Haha someone could put an afro on him and add a gold chain and turn his skin tone to wesley snipes black.

I'm dying for a group photo of bald opie, big Jim norton, and black sherrod.

It's such a stupid, weird idea but I love it

It is so stupid, i laughed to tears about it earlier and when my friend asked what was so funny i decided not to bother explaining. Well, there's this short worm-like c-list comedian. Someone created a fake twitter account for him and photoshops him taller with a chiseled jawline. It's funny because someone has already created a fake twitter account for a hacky middleaged DJ you've also never heard of where he photoshops him to look older and more bald. It really sounds more pathetic and idiotic when explained, yet i'm still laughing my ass off

It'd almost as bad as when I tried to introduce my girlfriend to O&A by showing her Uncle Paul. "No, see the joke is that the cranberry sauce is blood, cause he fucked the baby in the ass! Ha ha ha!"

It's something that has given us great laughs over the years but almost impossible to share. I drove my mom 4 hours for thanksgiving last year to see my sister, forced her to listen, she actually found the "Donald Rumsfeld Lizard" and "Cakehorn" bits hilarious. I think half the problem is the show requires so much explanation. Oh that's just opie, he's never funny, ignore him. Oh thats Anthony, he's funny but a racist drunk. Oh that's Jim Norton, he's hilarious but most of his jokes are about sucking tranny dick. The character development is too deep

There are probably about 100 references I have in my head, half from OnA and half from movies they quote (literally every Goodfellas line) that I always want to say in a relevant situation, but I know NO ONE will get them.


I love that you called out the chisled jawline, I missed that earlier. That makes it even better.

Think about it. All that hard work of going to the gym and eating better has been getting yimmy compliments for the last 18 months. Now people are first going to see the photos, then meet him, and be disappointed.

BigJimNorton's Profile Pic is the Headshot Jimmy wishes he could submit to casting directors, he's like a hunky action star. In reality he's just a short, chinless, blinky zero

BigJimNorton is a 47 year old stud racing champion. Blinky chinless worm is a donkey.

I would bet on either of those names in the Preakness... I doubt anyone on this sub breeds racehorses, but if so, please

also, it's impossible to breed a stud racehorse with tranny racehorses

It's playing on their insecurities. Jimmy is a tiny little feminine manchild. Opie is an eldery balding unfortunately shaped man with breasts. Two different approaches but both are effective.

for you

I remember suggesting to someone awhile back that he should make the people around Tits look better with photoshop, I'm glad someone is finally doing it.

Great idea. Just some subtle, standard adjustments to make skin and physiques look better to everyone but Tits, then the same subtle adjustments to make him worse.

I was seriously confused at first, the subtlety is key (he cant be 6'8"), just like it's tough to tell at this point which photos are BaldOpies and which ones are RegularOpies. Keep up the good work sir!

Jimmy will probably start using those for Tinder pics.

Clear complection Cumia would be a good one for those skilled enough to clean up that face.

Jesus, Photoshop isn't a miracle machine, you know.

Negro Anthony should be next.

Tss tsss a grate, what does he stop you from fallin into da sewer asumpthan'? Fawkin sock cucka

... a great what?

He's probably Italian.

... big fat person.

If only wishes were reality.

too flattering, how about "Uglier Jim Norton" and you subtle make him even worse, like one eye higher than the other