Does anyone fucking whine more on twitter about haters than Kurt Mezger?

12  2015-11-06 by JoeCumiaSr


He does tend to bitch like a woman about it. He's like a stingel when it comes to the haters.

Kurt is funny, but for Christ sake every criticism from jerkoffs on the Internet doesn't need a wall of text on Facebook in response.

That's the intense dependence on stimulants, allegedly

I'm pretty sure we're past allegedly.

Kurt is hilarious, but him, and jimmy, and all of the people who complain about haters somehow haven't figured it out that these are the people who are listening to the shows every week. do they think there are a lot of nice reasonable sane people who are die hard fans of a show called "Race Wars" hosted by an angry maniac, and a black guy who chuckles?

Sherrod is black?!?!?!

If Sherrod is black than who is the angry maniac?

He's Tits bitch.

No, but I find Kurt's coked-up mania to be part of his charm.

I agree he's being a bit of a baby about the fans, but yea.....his complete anger at anyone who says something that he doesn't agree with can be hilarious.

kurt and sherrod are fucking unbearable. race wars is for cucks.

race wars is for cucks.

Shut the fuck up with the cuckolding! It's meaningless at this point!

Tell that to my wife.

the Imperial Motor Lodge off route 97 just like last time?

No, Kurt is an actual real life cuck. His girlfriend fucks other men.

Shutup, libtard sjw cuck neckbeard virgin

Kurt is hilarious, Race Wars would be one of the best podcasts out there if they just replaced Sherrod

i dont think kurt is good

Just replace him with Bobby Lee or some other third-tier race.

Everyone knows it's:

  1. Asians

  2. White people

  3. Black people

  4. Hispanics


What have you heard from Kurt that turned you off? If you're a fan of comedy, honest race/political discussions, and SJW bashing there is nothing to dislike

I think he's sharp and funny, but lately on his show and when he was on LOS, he's been in some sort of drug induced paranoid mania about various twitter comments. Why are people in the comedy world so obsessed with arguing with absolute nobodies on social media?

Low self esteem and a need for validation. Any iota of criticism bothers them incredibly.

Also, Kurt is a massive drug addict.

Oh I know the legitimate reasons, just a rhetorical question considering how needy and childish it makes them look to actual fans or other industry professionals.

All celebrities are like that deep down. That's why they're "famous". Obscurity is their worst nightmare, worse than death. But it doesn't matter because, to quote the esteemed Richard Vos, they "still kill on stage"

Yeah but there are hundreds of comedians and entertainers who have it under control, it's just hilarious that several of the most critical and preachy ones, are the ones that look like idiots when getting political, etc.

hes always bitching and whining about something, the worst is about the twitter h8az. race war is very boring to me, and even if sherod aint speaking kurt at best is just doing the serious jimmy character, very uniformed and opinionated with no joke. everybody been saying white privilege is the comedy cd of the year, but 1/3 in hes talking about twitter again, kidznowaday sucks cause they are being bullied by a box, awful awful material, never laugh once and had to shut it off

Are you talking about White Precious? If you didn't even let out a chuckle at this you're dead inside

chuckle here and there, but the lewis black style yelling tires me out

Yelling? He's talking like any comic haha if you think that's yelling what comics do you even like


Even the logo is cuckolded by perpetuating the big black cock myth. Kurt 'Cuckold for black cock' Metzger is not a real man and a faggot.

He's calling the fans a bunch of shitstarters and yet it was Rogan who brought it up and started the shit. Hopefully Kurt will grow some balls and direct his anger at actual people instead of formless masses.

Yea that's not happening. Comedians are generally cowards who gossip like women about each other then rage at their fan base.

And it was him who called Rogan.

What? When? I remember Gavin bringing it up by saying " I have some dirt for you."

No the clip posted the other day where Rogan said that Gavin was the only guy he's ever had on where Kurt and Jim called him after and called him a liar. So he implicated the both of them by name and I assume that's what this new stupid drama is about.

Metzger is the other side of the spectrum's Amy Schumer. As much as Schumer is trying hard to please the PC crowd, Metzger thinks just attacking the PC crowd a good 24/7 schedule is winning fans and getting things done.

how many awful sketch on the amy show is written by kurt?

I don't think the PC crowd knows who he is.

Kurt really is a bitch. He got destroyed by everyone on twitter when he was caught lying and went into full female mode - "whatever, I don't have to explain myself to you." "Oh you guys are the worst, I even like SJWs better than you."

Not to mention he had to go behind Gavin's back and lie about him again. He's so dumb he confided in a moron like Rogan and hoped he'd be able to keep a secret.

He understands he does a listening show format right? Who are these radio fans he keeps referencing, his own fans?

Never cared for him so if he wants to embarass himself in front of the world...let him.


Any more, I'm more surprised when I click on a Twitter link from here and don't see BaldOpieRaqio in the stream

Twitter isn't for someone like Kurt. Last time he was on LOS all he could talk about is some twitter war he had with someone no one knows and took out his anger on Dave and Louis. He can't seem to make a point without getting angry and insulting.

This is all 100% true, but I found it very entertaining to watch for all those reasons.

He's a fucking baby, too bad because there's funny in there somewhere.

cunty little shitstarter fans? How about no one likes you, Kurt?

What? You ant/gavin fans are horrible and cult-like.

the cumia ass lickers and the gavin suck ups are the gayest thing about O&A fans.

Gavin fan boys are the worst.

I've never seen Gavin fan boys in here. All I've seen is people say shit like "hey Gavin's show is pretty good" and like 15 people going "fuck off gavin fag fanboy" and "uuuuugh why is he trying to have these opinions." I don't even see many Cumia fans in here, just once in awhile a thread pops up and people go "hey he's not so bad" amid the mountain of threads calling him a crybaby bitch.


A Gavin fanboy is someone saying there's not any Gavin fanboys? I don't know how anyone can even say there are any big Cumia fans, every thread about him is filled with jokes and insults. It'd make more sense to say there are Patrice or Colin fanboys since they never catch any heat at all on here.

Your generalization of Gavin fanboys vs. those who aren't big on Gavin is my case and point. That's not to say there aren't those that criticize Gavin, they just tend to get downvoted.

4 months ago nigga

There's a bunch of recent Gavin threads, why not use one of those?

You know you're being very selective right? If youre gunna be honest be honest, it's pretty clear he has a solid fan-base as well as people that don't like him. That's why I said his fan-boys are shit. If he didn't have any, what would be my purpose in saying so?

You know you're being very selective right?

Yes, I selected 2 threads that showed people mocking and dismissing Gavin. I gave you what you wanted. If you want to go ahead and find a thread where everyone is fawning over him and saying how great he is - like they do with Patrice or Colin - go ahead.

If he didn't have any, what would be my purpose in saying so?

Because you believe someone saying "I like that Gavin said this thing" makes them a rabid fanboy with an agenda. You could plead a better case that Bobby has fanboys here even though 75% of the time he's called a fat hunk of shit. I just don't get it, there'll be 100 comments about Ant being a stupid, boring, drunk racist and nobody should ever pay for his show, then one thread about something he did on his show and it's "oh GOD these fucking Cumia fanboys are EVERYWHERE..."

Nigga I've had people defend his stance on drunk driving. Claiming that 7-8 beers is safe for driving because Gavin thinks it's fun. The fan-boys of Gavin don't need to be extremely plentiful for me to find them retarded, which is why I'm not sure why referencing others really makes a difference in this case.

Nigga I've had people defend his stance on drunk driving. Claiming that 7-8 beers is safe for driving because Gavin thinks it's fun.

That's not a Gavin fanboy, that's just an alcoholic. I've seen more comments about him hedged with "I know he's an asshole and I don't agree with him on a lot of things, BUT..." All I am saying is, where is this epidemic of Gavin McInnes fans? I got called one the other day just because I said Gavin and Vice are basically running the exact same game and they only differ on politics.

Here's how you can tell fanboys: they all say the same thing, they all have the same talking points. For example, when everyone says how real Patrice was. Go to any Patrice thread and you'll see the same shit over and over. All I am saying is there are more people either hateful or indifferent about Gavin and Ant on here but - I just now realized this entire conversation is fucking retarded and I don't know why I even care about this. There is no reason for me to even give a shit about this.

Yeah I never claimed there was an epidemic, just that fans of Gavin generally aren't the brightest. Problem?

Low self esteem and a need for validation. Any iota of criticism bothers them incredibly.

Also, Kurt is a massive drug addict.