How much would you pay to get Opie and Anthony back for one show?

0  2015-11-06 by [deleted]


Nigga, I wouldn't even pay attention.


Deleted in 8 mins, good job asshole.

none dollars

Nothing. The only one worth a shit these days is Jimmy, and even that is disappearing.

Zero dollars

Where'd you go OP?

Bunch of old hens clucking around? $18.99 a month.

Zero. Plenty of good old stuff on YouTube.

A can of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni and a bottle of Rolling Rock


Nothing. But I would gladly pay for an Ant solo show. Wish there was a way to make that happen. He's so FAST and FUNNY and FAST.

Nothing, but I'd pay a lot of money for Ron, Ant, and Jim to do shows together.

Hah, taking the question more seriously than I should. I'd have to hear their chemistry. 'Getting the band back together' rarely works after an extended amount of time. If they came back to 2001 - 2005 form, Yea I'd pay to hear them again.

Though I'd pay more to have Patrice back. RIP.

Patrice isn't as funny these days.

I'd pay them not to. Then Opie could take that money and go talent scout. I must say, he does have an ear for that.