Jim norton the celebrity on TMZ

25  2015-11-06 by olebillyredface28


"You could of just quit the job if you didn't like it"

Heed your own advice you fucking blubbering jagoff.


I love how TMZ censors "fuck", but allows "shove the clubs into his asshole"

Casual Jim, just taking a stroll. Nothing pre-planned about this at all.

"Take it easy, my man". Low fives

Yuck. Wormy slime fingers.

Was this a setup? Norton had material ready to go.

Nah, man, it's just a natural conversation between two guys walking down the street, where one guy just happens to re-introduce the topic again halfway through the conversation in case they want to cut it up later.

"Hey, you're from TMZ, right? I'm comedian/actor Jim Norton! You might remember me from Spider-Man and any of the Louis CK shows I've acted in. Lou is a buddy of mine. Well...I've got somewhere to go but if you'd like to follow me and ask me about something celebrity-related, that would be alright with me. J-I-M-N-O-R-T-O-N. No need for an introduction or explanation of who I am...just act casual like "My man!"."

Tss yeah, tell me when you stawt recordin cuz I got a halareous opening line, everyone'll be crackin up

he stinks and i dont like him

Opie has mentioned numerous times that the TMZ camera guy that lurks midtown every day is a fan.

Opie is also a pathological liar.

Opie has breasts

"A fan" but of what? Everyone is "a fan" of something.

Just riffin' organically.

Yes of course. They have a friend that works for TMZ that is always hanging around the building.

No, come on. You look stupid when you try to attacks everything he does.

There was nothing wrong with this video. They weren't trying to make it look random, they just started the conversation while already walking. They named him in the title of the video.

When you try to make up stuff to hate, the legitimately hateable traits of people get lost in a sea of bullshit whining. It's like the boy who cried wolf. You ruin your credibility when you try to find fault with everything.

Be objective you cunts. Let's keep the hate legit.

They DID try to make it random...the interviewer "happens upon" Jim from behind and greets him with a "My man!". Look at Jim's casual side-glance at the beginning.

But it's what we do....

If you believe in something strong enough, you start to see it everywhere you look. It's like conspiracy theorists. I don't even think Opie is the devil but once you get his nuances rammed into your head by this sub its impossible not to notice.

Everyone knows this is the best TMZ celeb segment of all time:


Bonnie looks really hot in this clip

I'd eat her butthole.


yeah she cleans up nice

Ahahahaha what the fuck

How happy is Norton to have people see him get interviewed by paparazzi? I bet he feels like a real celebrity, bet he was hoping hot girls walk by and look

Then to have Gene Simmons trip him on the sidewalk followed by the rest of KISS in costume cradling and soothing him.

gonna go ahead and break the circlejerk and say good for l'il jimmy.

Norton really loves sodomy, eh?

Norton looks like he's 70 years old. Whole lot of good that sobriety is doing you, Jim. Even Cumia looks better than you.

I miss Patrice.

Why isn't The Opester ever doing things like this?


EWww. I got douche chills.

Looks like he's wearing his mom's winter 'heavy coat'

Nah. Those corny ass ribbed coats are hip now.

434 views. I'm not sure which is less relevant these days ... Jimmy or TMZ.


Why are you faggots ragging on Jimmy so much?

Oh look, he's talking about anal again. So edgy.

I love the handshake wazzup at the end, 1/2 joking, Jimmy is a cool casual older guy.

This modafuckah, yuck! You know the guy with the camera has to be his friend or something, cause otherwise nobody would give a shit about this half-assed comedian. Just top trying to appeal to the general public you mediocre douche.

Why is jim limping

the "interviewer" was clearly over dubbed. QUITE THE WORK

I still love Norton.

The Chip comments are making me HOWL

I would breathe my oxygen supply out of her asshole.

I love the new age of Jimmy Hate. Pretty certain that eventually the whole Saint Cumia thing will end; this sub is on its way to hating every single person involved with the show.

Nah, man, it's just a natural conversation between two guys walking down the street, where one guy just happens to re-introduce the topic again halfway through the conversation in case they want to cut it up later.

"Hey, you're from TMZ, right? I'm comedian/actor Jim Norton! You might remember me from Spider-Man and any of the Louis CK shows I've acted in. Lou is a buddy of mine. Well...I've got somewhere to go but if you'd like to follow me and ask me about something celebrity-related, that would be alright with me. J-I-M-N-O-R-T-O-N. No need for an introduction or explanation of who I am...just act casual like "My man!"."

Opie has mentioned numerous times that the TMZ camera guy that lurks midtown every day is a fan.

Just riffin' organically.

Opie has breasts

Yes of course. They have a friend that works for TMZ that is always hanging around the building.