
76  2015-11-05 by [deleted]



no, that's someone jim would have sex with

He's not gay though!! He'll just fuck any guy in a wig or dress.

too fat

Jim needs to lose a lot more weight.

Yeah, he doesn't look aidsy enough


That whole thread was fucking great

goin to the gem. and eatin bettear

No, no.. something's missing.

Ah yes, it's that infamous "skinny aids" look.


nah, worm is a manlet, at least that freak isn't a dwarf.

If I had a job that had most of my day free, had no family or friends, had enough money, had access to healthy food 24/7, Id look like a newt too...

He looks like he is digging in his snotbox, if he wiped it on his clothes it is not Jim, if he ate it, it was.