Can we blame Opie and Jim for sending Lady Di crazy?

0  2015-11-04 by Dennyislife

She spend decades drunk but one week after they banned her from the show she lost her mind. So can we add her to the list of show casualties?


They didn't hold her mouth open and shove booze down her throat for 30 years.

I just wanna blame them for something other than Steve C :(

I think OnA was life support for her. She would have died years ago without her hopes and dreams about whatever it was she was hoping to get out of being involved with OnA

sleeping with colin


my source is the only thing to come out of her cunt other than a discharge in the last 20 something years.

I mean where did you hear she lost her mind?

Her son.

You know her son?

Nope. But i found him online.

Ok. Can you give any details? Is she still in the hospital? And is that why she's in the hospital?

He's not got back to me since he informed me of her losing her mind. I guess he's busy looking after her. He's still studying and working part time yet is paying for her from what i can make out. Considering she hasn't lived with him for 10 or so years and he's still only in his early 20's i suspect he can't be arsed talking to fans of the show right now.

This dude sounds like a saint on eart to put up with her after all these years tbh fam.

Yeah i cannot imagine how much his life sucked. His old man put himself infront of a train when he was around 10/11

If a tree falls in the woods...