Do you guys really hate opie or is it a bit?

0  2015-11-04 by swarrrm


Here's what makes Opie different from Anthony and why Anthony is more likable despite his racism. Opie has always looked at the content on the show with the veil of 'this will get us to 10' or 'this will get some buzz' whereas Anthony has always viewed it as a fun discussion that can be funny, compelling, intelligent, etc. Anthony is better on the radio because he's just a guy shooting the shit with some other dudes and that (in my opinion) is what makes for the best kind of radio. Opie comes on to almost every show with an agenda. Listen to every phone and how it ends with "you should come in tomorrow". He doesn't do that because he enjoys their company. He does it because he's a shitty radio host and can't get himself to 10.

Now, to be fair to Opie (even though I hate it) this is the mindset that has made people successful. Like Howard Stern has that mindset but what makes him so special is that he's LOADS more talented than Opie in terms of capitalizing on content and making gold out of it. Opie sees moments like these and he's too much of an incompetent fool that he has to rely on Anthony, Jimmy, Erock, Stangels, etc.

Opie's a cunt

And Anthony is a self-indulgent man-child whose lack of self-control gutted this show. But yah, its all Opie's fault right?


You just proved everyone's point. Opie sucks. Anthony was one man. Only one man was fired. The show wasn't gutted. Besides this one guy, the entire show was still staffed the same. So how come it sucks so bad and how come everyone realizes how bad Opie is when the only change has been Anthony? This is proof that Opie is a no talent ass face that can't run a radio show or have any sort of compatibility with anyone. Anthony's firing shouldn't have devastated this show if opie was competent. If opie was fired, the show would actually be so much better with Anthony and Jimmy. Look at Nopie shows. Anthony ran the show just fine and didn't take callers during great bits.

Yes. He was one of two men. Opie and Anthony. Half of that was fired (due to his own bad behavior. Hence gutted.

One person being fired isn't gutting the show you dunce.

I'm going to assume you've never listened to OpieRadio, cause if you've listened to even 10 minutes of O&J, you know it's not a bit.

Do you have ears?

I'd like to bite Opie's ear off like Mike Tyson then stomp on his children's testicles.



What's does bit mean?