Clip Request: Opie interrupts Jim Joke, Ant laughs at him

7  2015-11-04 by __Tim__

it was posted here a while ago. Ant just laughs at how Jim got steamrolled by Opie


Jim says joke,

Jim interrupted by Opie,

Ant explains in concise detail what just happened,

Opie asks "what happened?"


What? You don't like how he tries to deflect by saying THAT'S THE BIT?

ME: I TOLD you, he's ROADKILL today.

This is great example of Greggshells. Jimmy probably said something in jest about Opie stomping over people's jokes and Tits needed to lash out passive aggressively like a bitch and make it a "bit". Anytime Tits uses "bit" its to hide from his lack of talent and to excuse his shit attitude and even shittier soul.

The fact that Opie isn't bed ridden with aids further solidifies the notion that there is no god.