Trying to read other subreddits is fucking broootal

37  2015-11-04 by smokinswindler

Seriously. Try to go read any other subreddit comment section and it is the corniest shit ever. Puns are the most clever thing that those faggots can come up with. So douche chilly.


But repeating a chip joke or O&A reference for the millionth time is the sign of this subs comedy skills right?

I guess they're all just chips off the old block!

Wut's dat?



I like how I can call you a faggot and not get banned

cocksucker jew nigger faggot

Who said anything about Vos?

You just went four for four. Well done.

The lack of self awareness this sub has is the funniest thing about it.

I wish I could find the Thread titled something like "Has this subreddit and listening to O&A made you funnier in real life?"

The answer is yes!

At least we're actually funny here you fucking faggot.

I would take a lazy chip attempt over bad jokes from other subs, But if there's one thing that is really unforgivable and awful in here is when someone responds to a comment that defends an unliked person by saying the user is that person.

like if someone writes something pro derosa or Opie while bashing this sub he'll get a "Hi joe"/"hi Opie" or something similar.

And this typical reddit/internet comeback actually get's upvoted time and time again as if "whoa he really made him look stupid". It used to be that this type of middle school level trashing would be considered an insult to this sub because being funny came first but now It's just about hating the right people and god forbid you write a contrary opinion.

hi reddit


I just hope it's the last one

TL;DR: tampon inserted

you can suck on it later


That at least brings me back to the good ol' days of something I did find funny.

I do think this sub is capable of being far more funny than most though. This comment from today made me laugh my ass off despite the user's awful name.


Seriously, as annoying as most reddit is, it's not like this sub is always some bastion of comedic gold.

But it is the standard-bearer for unsolicited judgments, usually phrased in a creative way.

usually phrased in a creative way.

I'd say occasionally phrased in a creative way.

Agreed. Let me prove your point...


Fawk yeah dvvv dvvv dvvv

Hey, it makes me laugh so it must be comedy gold.

Opie sucks!

At least we're actually funny here you fucking faggot.

at least its based on something funny. this new internet language of awfulness was never funny or appealing in any way but its still the same shit repeated over and over.


at least its based on something funny. this new internet language of awfulness was never funny or appealing in any way but its still the same shit repeated over and over.

so you decide what's funny and what's not? how fucking narrow minded.

well, when it comes to something subjective its pretty obvious youre speaking for your opinion, most people that arent idiots dont need to be told that, but if finding this funny is being narrow-minded, then sometimes thats a good thing.

i think "for me xxxx isnt funny" is an obvious way of saying you speak of your opinion.

and what you do is cherry picking.

go away

i will soon. this sub is just a bunch of simple people mistaking Cynicism for intelligence. Oh look something isnt offensive! FEDORA NECKBEARDS FEDORA!!!!!

Agree 100%

Most reddit boards, aside from SCORCH board, are AWFUL. It is IDIOTS copying other IDIOTS for WORTHLESS points. Worse still, they COMPLETELY ignore SCORCH. Go to tv board: no SCORCH. Go to WRESTLING board. Again, no SCORCH. Go to FILM board. No SCORCH to be found. How can you have a WRESTLING, TV, or FILM board without DISCUSSING the man of a million TALENTS?????

you must be going crazy making all those scorch posts thst no one seems to read

No one seems to READ?!?!

EVERY post about SCORCH is met with a HUGE strain on the reddit SERVERS!!!

I think the REASON he isn't DISCUSSED more is because the BOARDS know that every post would be about SCORCH. SCORCH is probably a BANNED term on non-SCORCH specific boards!!!

This would probably be funnier if anyone gave more than a nugget of a shit about Scorch.

Fuck you. The PFG sciples will not stand for your ass hatery.

Eat dick cunt

hattery, idiot.

I hope it slowly consumes him.

"Your Scorch is a very willful host."

Then why is he the top comment? Please sir, stop embarrassing yourself.

Oh jesus, coming from you? you might be the saddest person I know of

It's $100000% Scorch there. He has plenty of free time.


I saw something quite amusing on /r/funny the other day. It was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in his Halloween costume as Popeye, and no less than 12 people commented "Hmm, I guess we know what The Rock is cookin'....spinach!!!" Really hilarious stuff.

Haha, cuz like that would make him big and strong like popeye used to say right? I'm gonna have to subscribe


tfw when you work with people who would say that


Thank god I don't know what it's like to be black. Count your blessings is what I always say.


Some of the smaller subreddits that have a very specific focus can get by without much of reddit's general attitude leaking in, and those can be great.

But any general sub, especially the ones that are supposed to be even slightly related to humor, are fucking horrendous.

It's not even just that the jokes are bad (and they are fucking awful), it's that the same ones are repeated over and over. I honestly can't fucking understand it. "Ahh, the old reddit switch-a-roo", "Directed by M Night Shamalamadingdong". I've seen these comments hundreds of times. The fact that they still get upvoted makes me fucking hate humanity. It is objectively retarded to find that to be good content.

EDIT: After posting this, my curiosity made me go to /r/all to see what type of bullshit was there. Top post, 2nd highest comment chain. Look at these dipshits. It's un-fucking-believable.

You know when you're in a group of friends, and you have that one guy who just won't stop joke-tagging past the point of any semblance of humor?

One of the guys I work with and hang out with from time to time does this, I've started responding to it with Chip even though it just leaves him bewildered.


Some of the smaller subreddits that have a very specific focus can get by without much of reddit's general attitude leaking in, and those can be great.

There was a best of post recently by a former mod for one of the successful subreddits (cannot for the life of me remember which), where they brilliantly described why subreddits turn to shit after they reach a certain amount of subscribers.

Basically it has to do with an over-active minority of star posters, and the hive mind and apathy of the active readers. The star posters will either post the majority of threads, or get in early to other threads and make a comment that will manipulate the reaction of the rest of commenters on that thread. Like literally two identical threads will have a different majority reaction based on who comments on it first.

People are sheep and just want to be with the majority being upvoted. They will trick themselves into thinking "no this is actually what I believe" and upvote posts that have already been upvoted, and dog pile on posts that are getting buried.

" sheepsheepsheepsheepsheep "


Reading that comment chain just ruined my fucking Wednesday

Insufferable faggots

This happens right here on this sub. Every time a shitty, non-context related Chip line gets posted, retards reward it with a flood of points just because they recognize the reference. There's no quality standard here either.

shett up

See? No reason to bring Edgar in, but it will be given a pass because epic meme reference. This sub is just as shit.

Thank you, your exhibited frustration was no less than a meal for me after a week in the desert.

At least we're actually funny here you fucking faggot.

It's okay when WE do it


I wonder if these dunderheads speak like that in real life. It's insufferably annoying.

Have you guys heard of this guy Bernie Sanders?

Feel tha BERN!!!!!!!


Yea he's that guy in the video on that sickass youtube channel OpieRadio that all the kids are into right?

He's the chairman of the Federal Reserve right?

Even Bernie isn't Jewish enough for that title.

It's only going to get worse.

Knock it off, spade.

Well, when you put it like that...

You know the worst ones? AMAs. The replies to the celeb's comment are so fucking pathetic. They try to be inoffensive, but razz the celeb a little. It's like every stereotype of the fedora wearing, douchebag. It's fucking awful. Reddit is really shit these days, if it wasn't for all the porn...well I'd probably still come here and bitch.

Except for the very rare celeb that either does something hysterical (David Cho answering with YouTube vids he's making on the spot with hookers and props) or going down in flames (top comment on Woody Harrlesons asking why he slept with someones friend and then bailed), the questions are ALL THE SAME. What's it like working with x? What's your favorite color? Would you rather fight 100 tiny horses... Yuck. Some of these questions have thousands of upvotes.

We're trying to stay focused on RAMPART in this AMA.

I think the Woody question was accusing him of fucking a high school girl. I'd probably dodge that one too.

Oh for sure, but all the answers were being written by a publicist, it was pretty apparent Woody wasn't answering them, and the funny part was when people caught on and went to town in the questions and comments.

Rampart: never forget.

I am pretty much on my way out of r/SquaredCircle. As a wrestling fan the comments are just so douchey and you better not make any mean spirited jokes about a wrestler's body or talent. Everyone on there pathetically talks like they know the wrestlers and use a lot of 'the feels' jokes. And then you think about the fact that they all look like Mike Bochetti and it's just the worst

The level of white knighting and sjws in that place is unreal. I should know better than to get into a discussion and say anything negative about any girl wrestler ever because they all run to their defense and downvote me like crazy. Just go there and type "triggered" and you're guaranteed lots of fun responses.

Man, what happened to that place? It used to be one of my favorite subs. Even a year ago, it was still pretty fun to post there.

Wrestling has always, for some reason, had a huge whiteknight, no backbone pussy following. I get that it's fake, but you'd think that something that simulates big guys beating the everloving shit out of each other would have a more manly audience. But it's literally to the point that even saying something negative about Brie Bella or whoever, even if it is factually true, brings out the whiteknight guard dogs who get triggered when you refer to these girls as anything short of Strong, Brave & Beautiful.

I don't need to read that shit. I have to live it every time I go to school. Make a racist joke and get nothing but nervous sighs, professor says the word 'nand' and destroys the room. Fuck everybody.


yeah a mix between 'not' and 'and' it's not really a joke it's a term for a logic gate. Funny stuff.

Holy shit that is bad. Thoughts and Prayas.

how old areyou?


puns...the same sentence written by 100 people in a row with the words jumbled every which way...and just the same crappy joke comments on que every single time...I fuckin hate reddit, its just slightly than facebook to scroll around while watching tv.

I get this every day, Patrice and his cracker friends have given me God-like comedy judging abilities

The white knights of Reddit are so easy to rile up. I love it.

Please provide an example of your expert level trolling.

One instance I was on a football subterfuge saying how revolted I was about my favorite NFL team that my penis retracted back into my body faster than Caitlyn Jenner can say "slice". Fast forward and I get a three paragraph response about how my joke is offensive and continues to carry hate for the transgender community. I just responded "Fuckem" and the white knight sent one more message continuing his PC babble.




Haha did nazi that coming xD

Ever seen a top rated comment for a front page article? It's usually a safe comment "Why can't we just get along..." 5000 upvotes and 9 gold stars.

Almost every other comment is some shit dick relating a personal story to the original post.

Teachers are paid less in lower income areas;

"It's true. My sister worked at a public school in a low income area and she would always comp-" SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!

I'll second that



The puns and jokes are awful, but they don't bother me too much. I just pretend they're all Chip. They're still shit Chip jokes, though.

What I hate is the endless moralizing. Everything even mildly controversial becomes an endless stream of moralizing. I like watching those public freakout videos, but I don't bother reading the comments, because whenever I do it's full of people analysing these people's character and how they deserve to be fired\jailed.

Can't they just enjoy seeing somebody lose their shit just for the sake of it?


Reddit is so full of faggots it even spills into communities you think would be immune to it. Not this place, but /r/redlettermedia is based on a filmmaking team that got famous for making videos about an insane serial murderer and rapist of women and still the fucking retards on the subreddit dedicated to being fans of RLM are Reddit-type SJW nerds. You get in trouble with the hypersensitive userbase there if you call Aidsmoby by his nickname, if you call someone a faggot, if you call Mike a racist, it's fucking pathetic.

A few weeks ago they had a thread about Mike Stoklasa's offensive jokes on one episode of BOTW "made them uncomfortable" and that "he was being too much of an asshole to be funny." They defend Aidsmoby, that redditor moron, at all times, and repeat the same jokes over and over again. Then one time Jay or someone did a joke about a dead person and all the comments were like "wow, I thought RLM was above this." and "They ARE above this, I don't know why they're stopping to lowest common denominator humour, they're better than that."

I'm thinking "what?" Reddit infects everything with faggotry and hypersensitivity and an obsession with le childish novelty.

I used to parouse and comment on all subs until I found my true home here. Now every comment outside of this sub gets downvoted


you know what else is "brootal" you guys using the same lingo you guys hear on o&a just because it sounds good when jim norton or ant says it. "cunts" "stupid" "brutal" yeah common words but i know you all try to say it with the same voice inflection as them. so you suck too


This thread is douche chilly.

You just made fun of others for being unoriginal while you use the same slang as every other O and A fan.

I know but Tit's wife fucking Bam while the worthless Stangels try to get Paychecks to care about his only funny friend Ant is seriously original and not played out...

Oh, and Gavin is totally trolling everyone, if you don't see that you just don't get good humor.

Sometimes puns are more creative than some of the people here... But not always.