Bobo's penis

0  2015-11-03 by BarfVader9000

What exactly happened to Bobo's dick and where can I see pictures of it?


Jesus Christ ... I can't believe I fucking clicked on this thread ... the NSA guys must be laughing their balls off as they compile this data.

I got the lotion and tissues out for nothing.

Pull it out yer mouth and look at it ya lazy puke.

When I get home I'll find it, I used to post it on people's pages for Jocktober, it looks like a stubbed toe sitting in a hair nest.

I think he was born with the piss hole on the underside of his dick

I've never seen his penis either :(

Do you think ant has paid for him to get laid yet?

You really are a fucking degenerate.

i feel like a picture of bobo's dick should be a sidebar link for reference

Dopie's face is bad enough. I'd rather not have to adblock the sidebar.