God DAMN it Opie "Conde Nast" Hughes nobody gives a crap about your STUPID trip to Mohonk. Transcript included.

42  2015-11-03 by [deleted]




i prefer to think of it as the Monolith of autism, that sings to you and turns you back into a drooling ape when you reluctantly stroke its cold, black face.

"And here we see a tribute to the deity Greggopie, a trickster as well as a fool that was worshiped as representing the most narcissistic and cruel desires of humanity. A sort-of "id" of mirth, worshipers sacrificed their real-life goals and romantic pursuits to keep Greggopie locked away in the Tower of Sirius, surrounded by mirrors into which he would recite the same egregious lies over and over again."


Jim: the overlook hotel! Look, you can get chased through a hedge maze—

Opie: OH, I’VE BEEN THERE! I’ve been to Mohonk! This is Mohonk!

That really encapsulates the last year.

The sad thing is that if Opie had acknowledged Jim's comment, he probably would have responded, "I don't remember them chasing people through a hedge maze when I was there. Probably a seasonal thing."

"nobody gives a crap about your STUPID trip to Mohonk. Transcript included"




He gave so little a crap that he meticulously wrote down the whole conversation word for word.


Show us your vagina with a can of beans shoved in it or you're lying.


Boston Bay Beans.... theyre the beaniest

Seriously though...I'd open that can of beans with my teeth and eat them (while still shoved in it. Your vagina, I mean...)

Are they Louis Beans?



Even the over 40 soccer moms hate Opie now?

Who the hell is listening?





Thank you for your service. That was great, need to hear this


Ugh the autism and sociopathy is so strong.

Die opie, die.

If only this novel ended with opie jumping out a window

I actually worked at Mohonk for a year while attending the Culinary Institute. I wish I was still there so I could poison Opie's soup.


Because he's made so much money from it, I almost understand why despite all objective evidence, Opie might think that he is good at radio. But how the fuck could he possibly think that his half-rememberances of some vacation resort are so compelling that everyone needs to urgently hear them, sans jokes? His social illiteracy runs so deep it's just baffling.

I CANT FUCKING STAND when Opie says shit like I heard today "I was into he band Bush for a while.." WTF you old fuckin lady, stop acting like ur at all into the music scene, you just listen to w/e u hear on the radio, meaning someone hipper already discovered them. He does this all the time "Love the Pearl Jam" yeah so do millions of other people. Also this phony fag only play hits anyway, so what does it matter? It gave be douce chills today when I heard that "I was into the band Bush for a while" as if that means anything. I guess it just comes off as an old irrelevant man trying to be a music guy, but just reps bands like Pink Floyd and Zeppelin

Fucking yuck

Does anyone here think he's even been to Mohonk?

How can a man that has been in radio this long not know how to let a bit play out.

He goes out of his way to stop every good riff dead In It's tracks.

The show needs someone with a balls to come In an slam Opie every time he ruins the bits.


I want to kill myself

This reads like a retarded David Mamet.

Mohonk is in my backyard basically. Place is kinda badass to be fair.


You are a fucking loser, why would you type this out?


~ S n A p ! ~



Seriously though...I'd open that can of beans with my teeth and eat them (while still shoved in it. Your vagina, I mean...)

Boston Bay Beans.... theyre the beaniest
