Ooof!! Ant DESTROYS a twitter troll. Ooof!!

2  2015-11-03 by [deleted]



He's been using this argument pre-emptively since 2007 and has just been applying it broadly anytime the topic at hand even hints at minorities and power.

He really is just a dropout moron. There's more to intelligence than memorizing commercials and biopics. It's hilarious when any of the dumb people in the O&A world call him smart. I guess relatively he is, but he's still an idiot.

It's their own argument, he's just turning it around on them.

He does have kind of a point in the sense that the KKK has been fucking irrelevant for 50 years.

Ant really needs to learn how to pick his race battles

Except Anthony is completely right.

The KKK barely exists anymore, and hasn't existed in any real numbers, even in the deep south, since the 1970s.

Its basically a couple hundred dirt poor hillbillies spread throughout the ENTIRE deep south and thats it.

Trying to bring them back as a racial boogeyman and pretend like the US is like Europe, where there are LOADS of skinheads everywhere is fucking retarded.

I'm not disagreeing, but he didn't say what you just said, he just said the president is black.

I'm just saying that there are certain battles of these that he should not chime in on, or at least better explain his points. The guy who keeps losing people who had his back because they get annoyed or turned off by his race views is now on twitter arguing because somebody released the names of government officials in the KKK.

Just saying it doesn't do much for him

He's arguing about it because the list is total bullshit, the real anonymous that actually had talented hackers and some scary technical capabilities is long fucking gone. Most of those guys are in prison.

DL Hughley brought up the Anonymous list like its something real, instead of a pile of complete horse shit cooked up by some unnamed teenagers.

I really doubt the Democratic Mayor of Lexington is secretly in the KKK, etc.

Ant brought up the truth, which is that the KKK barely even exists anymore.

He didn't though, He just said the president is black. Ant needs to realize how what he's saying will be interpreted by the people he is arguing with and the fools who back them so he can put his words in a way that's harder to ignore.

Yeah, I don't like Ant bringing up race all the time but he's completely right.

The idea of the KKK is a lot bigger than the KKK has been since before JFK lost his hat. Treating this like it's something real at this conjuncture shows that you wish it to be so, which DL obviously does, and Ant was a reactionary cunt as well for debating it on the level of it being "real".


2015-11-03 01:30:00 UTC

That’s one powerless bunch of racists if the PRESIDENT is black. What are they stopping renaming streets MLK Blvd?

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That's not a Twitter troll, it is DL Hughely. Him and Ant debated race on the show before.


Flawless logic.


and yet, Obama's "leftism" has grown the stock market to record heights, expanded drone strikes in yemen, foreign intervention to take out Qaddafi and Assad, and dropped the deficit by 66% since 2009 after Bush's 2008 stock market crash. Sounds like a centrist, not Hugo Chavez.

Its almost as if many on the right are pissed that he didn't turn out to be some super scary socialist, now they don't get to say "See? we warned you this would happen".

I was terrified of him in 2008 but have been mostly pleasantly surprised. I was wrong about him, but, in fairness, so were liberals.

It blows my mind that other conservatives have that thought process you're describing.

Dude what the fuck are you talking about? That shit stain doubled the deficit from 10.6 trillion to over 20 trillion in 8 years. Nothing more aggravating than a know nothing blowhard.

Deficit =\= debt

the deficit is not the debt, you dumb motherfucker. and that 1.6 trillion deficit in 2009 in obama's first year came right after a stock market crash under george w bush, with a $700 billion bank bailout under the 08 budget

Obama doubled the debt of the first 42 presidents combined and you're bragging about it. His run with tail between legs policy in Iraq yet regime overthrow in Lybia and Syria led to ISIS again you brag about it. Has printed 4 trillion in fake money to keep his donor base rich and happy even though inflation is going to skyrocket like post WWI Germany and you brag about it. You're a fuckin dope, don't ever talk to anyone about politics you're the tool everyone laughs at when you walk away but don't know it. Stick to opie has tits jokes.

no one is bragging you stupid twat, the only thing being addressed is this idea that he's a "leftist". The financial situation, the unemployment, the overall debt, no one is saying things are great but when the stock market is soaring and the rich are richer than ever no one can say Obama is "leftist", unless your tongue is so far up Ant's asshole you forget there are other bigger issues than Obama's stances on guns and race relations in Ferguson.

Fine fine fine have a great day.

Ideas are more important than facts.

Yeah exactly, leftism
