Baldopieradio is fucking hilarious

39  2015-11-02 by TedChrist

it must drive the former "could have been a model" crazy that someone is out there making him look like a bag of shit and famous people fall for it. How many people have taken the bait so far?


I don't know the difference between BaldOpie and the real pictures anymore.

Seriously some end of Animal Farm shit.

(Oh required reading ArkL)

Don't ever refer to yourself in the third person again. We got the joke.

We all took freshman English, kiddo

Baldopie is brilliant. I don't know if the picture he keeps using is Opie on a very bad day or it's been touched up on photoshop but it's fucking awful. He looks like someone has put a curse on him.

He looks like someone has put a curse on him.

This is hilarious. The perfect description of those photos.

Is AIDS a curse?

In dumb African countries it is.


He's doing god's work.

but if he's doing god's work...what's god doing?

Hopefully making one of the funny twisted up little people who need a wheelchair with a headrest.

Being non existent

Jacking his pecka.


How does opie not block him? I would have figured he'd be blocked a long time ago

The beautiful thing is, blocked people can still reply to the blockers specific tweets. So to Opie it's all quiet and good meanwhile all of his brothers in law and everyone else in his personal life are seeing what humiliating things are being said about him every day.

Oh shit I didn't realize this until now. Opie doesn't see any of the tweets because he has blocked most of the haters by now. He's truly created a safe space for himself where he only sees the 2-3 neutral/ball washing replies per tweet.

Bully proof windows troll safe my

This little piggy sucks at radio

Holy shit, that's how it works? I obviously don't use twitter. What's point of blocking someone then?

So Opie himself won't see those tweets anymore, that's all. Thin skinned kleenex man that he is.

The blocked person can't see opies tweets. But obviously they're demented losers with no lives and multiple accounts so it doesn't really matter anyways

Bald Opie popped up in ants ex girlfriends tweets from YEARS ago. The man has kno limits

The man has kno limits

you spelled "no" wrong. Also, you spelled "life" wrong. Fucking LOL

I always look at these pictures and try not to laugh, then once a week I spit out my coffee


2015-11-03 01:05 UTC

@OAFANTWEET @OpieRadio @JimNorton @bobsaget @petedavidson

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Thanks bot, I can always count on you

He looks like Edgar

If this sub had a hall of fame, BaldOpie would be the first induction.

If he ever reveals himself here and it can be verified he should immediately be made a moderator.

Hes here its footfeet someshit

I check BaldOpieRaqio at least once a day in the evening after the guest photos are put on instagram. The man keeps it current and consistent. Fuck Opie. Bless Baldie.

Could have been a model...could have been a basketball star...could have been the host of the Tonight Show...

...Buuuut wasn't.

BaldOpie is literally beating Opie to death with a giant cue tip.

BaldOpie is putting in 40 hours a week fucking with Opie, and I love him for it.

tsss if he's so charmin' marry him or sumpthin. Alittle fawkin clever humor buttsurfers

Charmin'? What is he, toilet paper or sumptin? Tsss




2015-11-03 01:05 UTC

@OAFANTWEET @OpieRadio @JimNorton @bobsaget @petedavidson

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He looks like Edgar