Who really was responsible for Davey Mac's SiriusXM departure?

5  2015-11-01 by fatmike63

Sorry if you guys have talked about this before, I'm new to Reddit and even more so, this sub. I remember when Tim Sabean first took over 103 he made some sweeping changes on the channel and for me, unfortunately one of the "victims" was East Side Dave and the Davey Mac Sports Program. The more and more I think about it I have to believe Opie was exclusively behind this move, and Sabean easily took the heat for it as he isn't on the radio.

1st Since the O&A breakup its become evident that Greggshells is a control freak and was fed up with Ron & Fez, kicking them off the channel and replacing it with endless replays and "best of's".

2nd Its pretty obvious he wanted "his guys" in all the slots on "his channel" so subsequently the other R&F guy got the boot and his shitty protege Sam got the gigs.

Sorry for wasting everyones time, just wanted this subs opinion because for me when Tim Sabean took over was when the channel started to take a shit


Ant told a story, if I'm remembering right, where after a show one day he saw Tim and Opie talking by themselves and he avoided the conversation. The next day he came in and Dave was removed from the channel and banned from the building. Dave was ahead of his time as far as being vocal about what a fraud Opie is. Opie needed that to go away.

Why is fucking Anthony always avoiding conversations? Maybe if he was involved he could've stuck up for ESD

He's a selfish piece of shit that only cares about himself and whatever the youngest girl he can get?

Where can I hear an example?

https://youtu.be/lwS-JpIRU1U Opie's tone sounds pretty damn similar to the first show after Ant was fired. Conveniently enough Don and Opie were talking when no one was around.

Appreciated, but I should have clarified. I wanted to hear a clip of Dave calling out Opie on his shit.

YouTube east side Dave opie impression. And there's other clips where R&F were imitating O&A and Dave would act like a retarded ship steerer mocking Opie

Davey fucked it up himself. He was supposed to do a show and never showed essentially allowing the channel to go to dead air, and this is well after Tim had been trying to get rid of Dave anyway, but gave him another chance and Dave fucked it up immediately. You don't let the channel go dead. That's a big nono. He deserved it. And being bannrd from the building tends to happen to anyone that's fired from any company.

Edit:gotta love how you people deny the truth. Dave isn't even funny. He's a fucking stunt boy. Nothing more. He's not even the best at that. Pat Duffy kicked Daves ass.

Opie is a fucking BOSS .. he gets what he wants. Craterface should have been happy to be able to suck on his teat, instead he was all whiny and depressive. No wonder Opie kicked his ass to the curb the first chance he got.

So when you blow opie, do you cradle his balls too?

first knuckle nigga

New to this sub? Please give us a pic of your asshole.
We all had to do it.

no can do. sorry bro. ha

Fucking square

if he was a circle we could stand around and tug our pekkahs

Dave lost his Saturday show because he called in sick late and the channel went to dead air, then an error message, then finally a replay of Weird Medicine. He got a second shot to be on Sirius, but he fucked up. Dead air = fired in radio and TV.

This is the correct reason. I think he just got back with Sirius/XM and no showed the first two shows.

Nope. Dave left Ron and Fez in 2010 cause Sirius wouldn't pay him. He stayed at Sirius on Saturday nights doing Special Delivery, then the DMSP. Tim Sabean put the show on hiatus, and fired Dave for getting sick. He was looking for any reason to fire Dave. Opie literally said management didn't like Dave's show. Dave called in sick in plenty of time for a producer to cover him, but for some reason dead air played. I saw Dave post about being sick hours before the show would start, and although he's a lunatic, he's a professional. Opie hated Dave and let Sabean fire him.

I agree mostly with that timeline but I think you are wrong here. The show was put on hiatus then somehow he got it back and then missed the first two shows or missed the second or third show. I don't remember exactly maybe you are correct, IDK.

i agree. opie is to blame, at least partially. he didn't necessarily plan to get rid of fez or dave f.e., but when things started to head a certain way, he really knew how to benefit from it. anthony can tell a story too.

Yes, the day he was going off about it on the show because someone gave him shit about it on twitter. He clearly had a guilty conscience.

How do you know it came down to Opie kicking R&F off the channel?

I dont, but we all know Opie hated Fez.

Yes but he had the utmost respect for Ron. I don't think he'd pull some shit like that on Ron, as much as I hate Opie

1st Since the O&A breakup its become evident that Greggshells is a control freak and was fed up with Ron & Fez, kicking them off the channel and replacing it with endless replays and "best of's".

I'm pretty sure each channel at Sirius XM has its own budget. Moving Ron & Fez to a different channel freed up money for both shows. It also explains Sirius' dumb shit idea of having one flagship show on each channel.

I think Ron is a bit to blame for his initial departure as well, I remember an episode where ESD was threatening to quit and Ron put him on the spot on the air, "Will you quit if your meeting goes badly" and Dave ever the soldier said yes.

I don't think Dave really wanted to quit he just put himself in a position where he was offered a very tiny raise and felt like he had to, I'd imagine it's one of his biggest regrets, especially now considering Fez eventually left.

He was losing money commuting. Guy has two kids and a wife, and was basically 2nd Mic.

Plus the lazy bitch fucked/fucks around on him and wouldn't get a job. Shiteaters can't be choosers, I guess.

Dave does mornings on 95.9 WRAT the rat http://www.wrat.com/shows/dave-mcdonald

His "about me" page http://wrat.com/shows/dave-mcdonald/about/

Dave was/is to blame.

He was such a creep Ron and Fez personally forbid him from greeting guests, and even referenced this fact on several occasions when ESD fucked up. He got booted off the radio multiple times already for his shitty behavior, unprofessional attitude, and poor technical skills.

The number of episodes where Dave gets shit on for playing the wrong audio, or fucking up a drop is plentiful.

Remember: Earl never got fired once despite literally running away from the studio mid-show, body-slamming XM equipment, lying, "stealing" from the company, and over-all poor performance.

Oh, I'm not saying ESD is an angel, but as a listener I loved DMSP and was so disappointed when he got fired. I know he has a podcast, but for me the 3 hour block on a Saturday night with a live(Im a sucker for live shows) DMSP and Dr Steve was great and I certainly miss it

Its all Joe "Blame the Jews" Derosa's fault

Hi Dave, yeah I agree. Opie must have had a hand in having you booted. But actually, I think you didn't call in when you were sick or something and supposed to be on the air. You gave them the ammo to boot you.

The show brought in no money therefore anything it cost is a loss. Dave is responsible.

Davey Mac was. He asked for a raise because it was costing him too much to commute so he asked for enough to cover his trip and they couldn't even do that for him.

that was 4 years earlier. in 2010. he wasn't fired, but he left r&f and kept special delivery with sam and later did the dmsp, until he was fired..

I always thought he left to do mornings at a station that paid him money. I always assumed he made little to nothing for those shows after leaving Ron and Fez.

Nothing I said wasn't true

what you said interpolated two different stories.

I really don't care



being so womanly

lmao, fag

lmao I really got to you.

Yeah your message saying how butthurt I made you and my lack of responses clearly show how upset I am. Keep this going, I need more screenshots. That's your username next to 'you made me a bit butthurt' right?

U mad, fam.

Now go home and get ya fuckin' shinebox. Don't forget to logon to your alts too and downvote my comments since internet points matter to you considering you delete everything with -10 votes.

Not replying makes you even madder, what a woman.

U mad, fam.

U asping out, lady.

So mad.

"I'll admit, you got me a bit butthurt" -/u/KennethFresno

edit: I wonder how badly you wished you had messages from me acting exactly like you do. Too bad you don't because I don't argue like Opie and as much as you hate him, you have more in common with him than any other user on the sub and you don't even acknowledge it.

2nd edit: Oh and when I say arguing I mean like actual arguing, not replying to the same word for six consecutive hours since you called that 'arguing.' I called it making a fool out of yourself. Again, we won't see those comments because you deleted them.

Keep pretending you're not replying because you think It makes me upset. I would fucking love if you never replied to me again and I encourage you not to. But keep pretending that's the reason and not because you got BTFO and made to look like the insecure manchild you are. Oh and before you say 'u mad' again, here's the link AGAIN with you PMing me to tell me how mad I made you in your words.

"I'll admit, you got me a bitt butthurt -/u/KennethFresno

Keep obsessing, didn't read lol. I should be less happy about upsetting the mentally ill, but ah well.

I'll admit, you got me a bit butthurt. -/u/KennethFresno In your own words. Oh and If I were you I wouldn't wanna read that shit either or I would literally die of embarrassment at myself. It's called compartmentalizing.

Why don't you post the messages I sent you? Oh that's right..

You forgot to downvote one of my replies, better get on that since these internet points are important enough to you to delete your own posts.

edit: you missed it, try again stupid

You're still replying to my comments and I'm the woman? Alright Ken. God damn you're insecure dude, you won't let this months old feud go.

Send me some more pms about it, woman.

You're insecurity on the internet personified.

Hopefully you don't start a thread about me too :O

You're insecurity on the internet personified.

lol trying this again. What a projecting lady.

You're insecurity on the internet personified.

That's right, stop replying when I start copy pasting so you don't make a fool of yourself again and have to delete your comments.

U seem upset :)

You're insecurity on the internet personified.

Post all the PMs you sent me last night calling me names like Opie would after I stopped replying to you and show everyone how upset I was.

U seem upset :)

Post em'