Stern is getting the Cakestomp treatment over on /r/cringe. The comments are like carbon copies of the same babbling babies on the Cakestomp video

27  2015-11-01 by Ant_Sucks


"Admittedly, I've never really listened to the show.." Favorite comment I cam upon. Is that ever not the case with these social justice faggots?

"I've never read anything on the Israeli-Palestine conflict but here's my opinion anyway..." - the worst generation in history

"I have no knowledge on this subject but here are my feelings..."

Not even a cool war can save this mess.

People are fucking pussies.

I've never seen the video and just took a peek on my phone to see what it was and now I can't fucking wait to watch it.

The witch hunt never stops with these SJWs

I know right, considering half of this sub wants Opie fired, right?

yes and it's hilarious. There is a difference, this sub is puppet masters. These people just get high off of being outraged.

The funny part is how they convince themselves that they're just being good decent caring people. Complete psychopaths.

Is it really?

What were you doing when tits had his breakdown? If you weren't laughing it's because you take it up the asshole from your father. Only explanation.

Look, I'm not a fan of Opie either, but why in the fuck would I want him fired? But I guess that's your agenda, much like every other piece of shit SJW out there. You might find it "funny" but it's till an agenda. Absolutely no fucking difference. Make fun of him, ridicule him, by all means that's your right, but you don't fucking try to get someone fired, just because you find it "funny." Holy shit this entire sub is populated by fucking 4th graders.

I guess you have a point if you're talking about the people who are enraged he didn't stick up for Ant and want revenge for it. Those people usually have a political agenda, so it wouldn't be a bad comparison. I'm not one of them though, and I don't really see it as a campaign to get opie fired. I don't really care if he is or not. It's the whole process of this that is entertaining.

I rarely even think about an ending to it at all. I've noticed there are a lot of people who are obsessed with where things are going. You see it all the time when people bitch about tv shows, and the plot "wasting time" doing one thing or another. I've never understood it and wonder if people have always been this way.

I can understand the whole Opie not sticking up for Ant thing. I feel he should've done more. But then I don't think Ant is being 100% truthful about the whole situation either. So at this point it's Ant's word against Opie's. Either way I continue to listen to all the shows when it's entertaining and turn it off/change the station when it's not.

Haha. Opie defenders and Anthony cultists coming together in unison to downvote me to shit. You know, as douchey as that is, it almost brings a tear to your eye in a way.

It's totally different. We aren't a bunch of people who stumbled upon a video and decided to go all out on someone with no context. We are long time listeners of the show, who have had enough of Opie.

Whatever you have to tell yourselves it's different (it's not), but what the fuck do I know as I guess I'm just an out-of-touch asshole that's moved on from 2005.

It's totally different and if you don't see it, you're just an idiot. Not out of touch. I don't even want opie fired because I don't care enough. The fans that are instigating all of this are different than SJW. SJW are trying to get him fired over one video and no context. Fans have had 10+ years of his shit to deal with. And we don't want him fired for the video. They want him fired because he sucks and has gained everything through the work of his peers while being awful every step of the way. There's a huge difference. Stop being the too cool for school guy.

Doot doot

Its actually a good painting...ironic he's saying its shit with those tacky little caricature drawings being projected everywhere else in the room.

I thought it was dead on, looks just like him. SJWS stink though, just to be clear.

It actually makes him look better than he really looks but he is so fucking ugly that it still looks horrible but that's not the painter's fault.

Holy shit that was funny. I've never really listened to Howard. I'm gonna have to give him a try.

After O&A died I started to youtube old Howard clips, and I have to say, I enjoy them.

His producer Sal and Ronnie the limo driver are both jerkoffs and great sources of entertainment.

I thought it was horrible, hack radio. Robin is such a fucking hole, everyone kisses HooHoos ass. Too many people in the studio who I don't know about.

That's always how I feel whenever I try to listen to Howard, and I've tried on several occasions to make it through a full clip from the show and it just bores or annoys me. I wish I enjoyed it.

only remotely funny person on that show was artie. Otherwise, nobody really says anything other than mindless bullshit. It's an absolute cesspool over there.

95 % of this site are fucking pussies

Remember that time months ago they were playing howard promos on Opieradio and Opie hinted something big was coming when asked about it.

I guess it didn't.

Are you trying to tell me that Opie lied to us?


Stern was a real cunt behind the scenes, but he was basically a terrorist to Hollywood at one point.

You mean doing exactly what you were doing all last month.

Wrong sub. We are not trying to get Howie fired.

I'm actually more pissed about their reaction to this than the cake stomp video. This was very obviously a staged bit and the guy was laughing the whole time. People on reddit must be autistic or something.

"Someone should do this to one of his shitty watercolor paintings"

/r/cringe is the only sub I'm banned from, that I know of. They really are pussies.

This is their head mod bragging about some stupid system he thinks he invented that is keeping all the bad posts away. Like everything reddit mods do it seems to have failed and just made it a boring sub that nobody wants to visit.

Looks like your average Reddit thread to me. A bunch of outrage faggots looking for positive karma.

Back when this happened, I actually felt bad. Not about the painting being destroyed, but because there weren't any pixelated titties to pull my 14 year old pud to that night.

if Opie covers this will he turn it into a "It happened to me" segment or will his hate for Howard take over?

he will defend howard period



clears throat

shuffles papers


I honestly thought someone from here posted the video

Fake? Did Electric Eel write the bit?


Fake and gay



I don't listen to Howard to often, but I laughed my ass off when he sent Gary the retard to space. Opie wishes he could be like Howard in that sense, but he lacks the charm and talent. So it just ends up being awkward and weird.

i've seen that video before. it's pretty uncomfortable...haha...though stern probably has more in common with the people who are trashing him at this point. his show is weak as fuck at this point.

Hoo hoo